originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i]"I'd probably do the same. How did she get in that situation anyways?" [/i]
"Bad luck, I guess. Not like she summoned them or something. She hates it more than I do."
[i]"That's fair." [/i]
"So, you're a....hunter?"
[i]"Titan. My job back home was to punch things to death and build walls. I was really good at it, but I'll let you decide which one." [/i]
"Punching sh*t. All titans are good at punching sh*t, but I have yet to see one actually build a wall."
[i]"There was a bunch that built a city back home, actually. But you're right, I can punch really well." [/i]
"Yeah, but do any build a nice wall for the Dojo? No."
[i]"Well, I never said we were the kindest people." [/i]
"No, you didn't say that. Would be nice if you guys really were honorable and sh*t."
[i]"There's a few of us like that. But do you really want a lesson in history about a people you don't know?" [/i]
"Eh, not really. Don't care that much. Why are you coming to the Dojo anyway? Don't you have a city to defend?"
[i]"Well, not really. I mentioned earlier that I [b]used[/b] to be a Guardian. I'm done with that." [/i]
"Why the change?"
[i]"Well, there was a guy who attacked my city. Killed everyone... He said to me that my people, the Guardians, had 'Forgotten the dear of death.' He took away our Light, but we got it back. His words hit me harder than the fall from his ship - So, here I am. Exploring and trying to better myself, in a way that bring a Guardian could never permit." [/i]
"Ahh! Whole, I wanna better myself, journey thing."
[i]"Yeah. Everyone's at the Dojo and it's village for something, right? Self betterment is the purpose of most dojos." [/i]
"That's true enough, I guess. I'm there just because I was left there and now I've got a bunch of friends."
[i]"You were left there?" [/i]
"Well, more like brought there by an old friend..." Bedlam's tone had a hint of not wanting to go too far into the subject.
"Riiight then."
"I'm sure you'll grow a lot here if you don't die immediately. The place is rather deadly and Guardians have been around long enough for people to know to kill the Ghost."
[i]"Well, if I don't -blam!- up then they can't kill me, yeah?" [/i]
"True enough. There's some tough sh*t around here, but you'll be fine if you punch well enough."
[i]"That's part of the plan." [/i]
"Hmm. Not a bad plan, I like it. Hey, how much longer of a drive anyway?"