originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i]As the beast lunged for Elina, she would strafe to the side, slashing into it's neck: her blade broke scales and flesh, yet the creature merely swung it's head like a club, sending Elina flying back as she sprawled against the ground. The woman rolled, crying out as she clutched her twisted arm.[/i]
[i]The creature would turn back to Alric as the bombs went off, as the cracks had begun to split open. The creature would attempt to fly, but it was too late - as it was then sent sprawling into an abyss, falling rock crushing it's being.[/i]
[i]Fire swarmed around Alric, as the remaining Trayvens held formation. Their encampment was set ablaze, more cracks within the earth swallowing more soldiers and tents.[/i]
"GET AWAY FROM THE CRACKS! MOVE BACK, RETREAT! RETREAT!" [i]The Bloody Witcher was yelling out orders to his troops, doing his best to keep them in order. He walked backwards, away from the ongoing battle that was occurring. [/i]
"A-Alric!" [i]Elina's crying voice was heard in the distance, as Alric saw her crippled being in the distance: she was one fallen amongst many, as the Trayvens began to retreat.[/i]
"JEREMIAH!" [i]A six foot giant of a knight, most likely the Dight warrior Alric had found, was by the Witcher's side in mere moments. Together, the duo rushed toward Elina, baring down upon the Sand warriors with their weapons.[/i] [i]Seeing their leader move toward the enemy insighted several other Dojo warriors to rush forward, following their commander into the awaiting battle. The Witcher used the newly arrived warriors to create a loose semi circle, covering Elina away from the enemy [/i]
"W-We're losing," [i]Elina muttered, blood trailing from the side of her face, before she cried out again as she clutched her twisted arm.[/i] "W-What are those things?" [i]The Trayvens had begun to formulate a final retreating phalanx wall, as those whom had begun to fall back had found a parting within the great storm. Those sand warriors whom attacked were severed by polearms and blades almost immediately.[/i]
"I don't know..." [i]The Witcher mumbled, helping Elina to her feet. He quickly glanced over his shoulder, keeping a weary eye over the warriors.[/i] "We need to perform a retreat. We need a location that is more defendable..." [i]The knight known as Jeremiah swung his great sword in a wide Arc, cutting down four of the warriors in a single blow. [/i]
[i]Indeed, the Trayven soldiers had begun to retreat, as the great flame that had sparked within the encampment swallowed up those within. Screams were cut short, by the fires of the end, as Elina was silent in the arms of the Witcher. Only to repeat, over and over:[/i] "...We lost. We lost." [spoiler]Fin? I'll get a new post up shortly.[/spoiler]