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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
12/23/2017 9:28:21 PM
[i]"Yeah, I think I did. Slip of paper I keep in between my bóobs with some other names and numbers. Gotta make do with that as a phonebook." [/i]

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  • "Heh, I'd be down for more parties. Hell.. we need some Strikes on this hole. Some Fallen to beat down. Maybe I'll hold a Strike on a special place, just with you? the way, you wouldn't know where to pick up some prosthetic arms and strength augmentations, would you? That Dojo place's an option. But I've got enough Glimmer to turn you and I into tanks if needed."

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  • [i]"I have legitimately no clue where to get any prosthetics. Why, is your Ghost turning you into an amputee?" [/i]

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  • "Nope. I'm turning myself into an amputee, had some creative thoughts about some arms. Pack some more power."

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  • [i]"What are they? Because if it's your hands getting some power, I kinda want to prepare myself more." [/i]

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  • "Obviously some strength augmentations. At some point, I'll have to modify my actual arms for enhanced muscles, and soon spinal cord if I'm really packing heat. I'm talking about combining Sunstrike with a punch that busts through rows of assholes in a punch.. Not on you, babe. Additionally, some leg enhancements would be even better. Turn Catapult into a literal catapult. More on the arms, though.. I could look into electric discharges too, like a constant Arc punch, except I can turn it off when needed. Adamantium or ceramite plated knuckles? Totally worth it, too. Though I need something that doesn't ruin our pleasure. Maybe a layer of synthetic skin.. I dunno."

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  • [i]"I have literally no clue how any of that works, but I know a guy who might." Meghan's mind drifted off to a certain Warlock, one who had been obsessed with understanding Exos from the Golden Age. She recalled Polaris knew a good bit, but would a devoted follower of Toland the Shattered help Thebes? She could only hope, and it was a fair shot. He was no roboticist, but perhaps he knew one. "A member of my old Fireteam isn't too far from Khalosh right now. Maybe we could head over to him and get some help?" [/i]

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  • "Sounds like he could help us out for a bit." [i]Thebes muttered to herself, as she would then study her palm, opening and closing the fist before she would then clench it tightly.[/i] "Yeah, sure. Let's go pay a visit."

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  • [i]"Alright. It's a few hours away, so feel free to get some sleep while we drive. We'd also need to take a boat across the sea." [/i]

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  • "Mm. Alright.." [i]Thebes wasn't the type to carry on conversations for hours, evident as she fell into silence. She would close her eyes then, shuffling about in her seat before descending into something of a dreary sleep.[/i]

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  • [i]Meg, in the meantime, had driven the two of them to Ollimand and Khalosh within a few hours. [/i]

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  • [i]Whenever Thebes would wake up, she would mutter something about "World domination in the works" and "possible recruits: I don't fuсkin' know", before her eyes would safety drift open. Ahead of Meghan and Thebes was Khalosh - after the taking of it by the Tribune, and the retaking of it by the Trayven, it was hardly in a civic situation, outside if the attempts at rebuilding the towers and walls. Purple flags with rearing golden lions flew from the skies, as Thebes sighed and moaned a little to herself.[/i] "So two armies - no, like five - had a fuсking brawl here? Jesus."

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  • [i]"Yeah. And now the rat bástards claimed it for themselves - I swear, I'd burn these flags." [/i]

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  • "It's too damn typical, of entitled assholes. Maybe one day, we'll look at a new Khalosh. A free one, damnit, not controlled by foreign freaks or corrupt assholes who are too busy fuсkling their five-star whоres instead of caring for their citizens."

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  • [i]"Yeah. Then the citizens can -blam!- five-star whôres like me," Meg jokingly responded. [/i]

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  • "You know I would, babe." [i]Thebes smiled at the dirty joke, leaning back in her seat.[/i] "Makes me think about another little.. augmentation, though now thinking about it, it wouldn't really be a little aug. I'll have to check how much Glimmer I've got."

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  • [i]"What's the augment?" [/i]

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  • "It's a surprise. [i]Definitely[/i] a surprise."

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  • [i]"Ooh, I can't wait to see it then." [/i]

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  • "Don't worry," [i]Thebes would playfully kiss Meghan on the cheek then.[/i] "We should definitely find your friend, though, assuming that he hasn't moved out of this hole. Yet."

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  • [i]"Yeah, he's just outside the city." And so Meghan drove out of the city's perimeter, making her way down a series of hills and soon the two found themselves at a rather large cavern. The cave radiated darkness and energy; Hive, something that the two wouldn't expect from Tatakai of all places. [/i]

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  • "Hive shit.. seriously." [i]Thebes muttered, her fist tightening a little as she would step out of the car and stared at the cave in silence. It was as if she was reminiscing on something, from her years serving the Traveler. Now, she didn't know if she did or not.[/i]

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  • [i]"Yeah. Polaris has something of an obsession with them. He always said that when his service to the Traveler was done, he would truly find out what their connection to the Darkness was. And when Ghaul shitstomped him, he... Well, he'd probably tell you." Meghan took the first steps into the long dark of the caverns. The way down started off as if it was an expedition, with crates and lanterns lighting the way, but it digressed into just torches and scribbled papers tacked into the walls. They eventually made way to the campsite where Polaris rested his head, and it looked, surprisingly, quite human. Crates and tables littered the wide room, which appeared to have a few lights on each wall to illuminate it. A small orange tent was near the back of the room, situated beside a generator but not too close; There was a rustiling inside, and a small phrase coming from within. [b]"Damn you, Juju, where did I leave you...?" [/b][/i]

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  • "Obsession, huh.." [i]The Titan would murmur to herself, while her previously tensed form would resume a more relaxed shape, and even then it was hard to tell if she had calmed herself in the Hive-like tunnel. Though, the Warlock's encampment would settle her down, seeing that Polaris hadn't indulged into the Hive too far. For now, anyway. Thebes didn't necessarily find the thought of another Toland to be superb, even with his findings.[/i]

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  • [i][b]"Found you. Ghost, transmat the Bad Juju to the ship when we're outside." [/b] [u]"I will."[/u] The Warlock came out of the tent just then, as all the lights in the room seemed to shine on him. The blue-armoured Guardian looked to Meghan and Thebes with curiosity in his eyes, which flickered between colours, going from orange to blue and then to purple. His long, white hair flowed down to his shoulders, parted at the centre of his head to display his face for all. In his back were his main weapons, the Bad Juju and Khvostov, while his hip carried the revolver Hawkmoon. In his hands was a long blade, one of Hive make: It's power radiated from it, and all of the three in the room felt their Light dullen at the presence of it. [b]"Meghan,"[/b] Polaris said, greeting the Titans. "Polaris. I need your help." [b]"When don't you?"[/b] "Are you still pissed about that thing in the EDZ? Because if the Hunter could calm down, surely you could too." [b]"You asked him to provide overwatch on a sniper from a hill. I had to blow up a Cabal warship from within."[/b] "I was there!" [u]"Barely," [/u]Polaris' Ghost commented, sparking up beside him. [b]"You were outside taking on, like, six Cabal! You didn't even kill twenty before I took the thing down!"[/b] "And now you're a legend in the Cabal books. Anyways, just hear Thebes out on what she needs, okay?" [b]"Fine. Tell me, Thebes, what is you you want?"[/b][/i]

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  • "First off - morning, Polaris." [i]Thebes would take a wild guess at what the time was, seeing as it was roughly midnight when Meghan had encountered her fellow Awoken Titan out in the mountains. Thebes would allow a more relaxed posture to take control, seeing as she could get more out of Polaris that way. He was alright, to her: anyone that at least fought Cabal was.[/i] "Came out here to see if you could help with a few bodily enhancements, or point us in the right direction of a few. Augmentations to bolster my physical capacity."

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