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Edited by Krishnas Prophet: 12/25/2017 7:04:08 AM

Official Petition Requesting The UN to Reprimand Bungie for Using Eververse (EverCurse) ***Edit 2: 482 Signatures And Counting!!! Follow The Link And Sign for Change!!!*** Sign the petition today! If we want Bungie to hear us we need to do more than just burn the forums, we must light a fire the world can see!!! Eververse is just a cheap system that empowers a culture of gambling and laziness among its player base. This needs to change. If enough add their voice to the chorus, Bungie will hear! [b]***Please follow the link to sign the petition and like this thread as well!*** ***Comment [u]#endeververse[/u] below***[/b] Edit: Your support is the flame that will bring real change. Even if the UN does not officially acknowledge this [url=][u]issue[/u][/url] bungie will know that we are serious, [b]that we are willing to take it to the top.[/b] We are sick of predatory transactions, we are sick of corporate greed, we are sick of not being heard. Keep the support coming! We can do it guardians! Edit 2: I am overwhelmed by this support! Keep it coming guardians! Bungie will likely not comment, but we can rest assured that they have seen. Seen that we are serious about the content of our game, serious about the welfare of impressionable minds, serious about routing out corporate greed. [u][b][i][url=]As of now, our Petition has 231 signatures! For a real world petition this says something! Lets take this farther! Share the petition on Facebook and other social media, share it on reddit, share it with friends you know who are tired of predatory practices in gaming! TOGETHER, WE CAN GIVE THIS THE MOMENTUM TO MAKE OUR VOICES HEARD!!!!![/url][/i][/b][/u]

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  • How did you get to the top if the trending page?

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    • The UN? You’d have better luck with Bozo the clown.

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    • The UN, huh? Honestly I don't even know what to say.

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      1 Reply
      • Alright its time to stop

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      • Stupidity continues to rein in these forums. Its no wonder the community is shit lol. Ya'll compain way to much. Nothing ever satisfies

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        1 Reply
        • What a flipping joke. This is way beyond asinine.

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          7 Replies
          • Wow....... We get it. Eververse has gone too far. But wow............

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          • Your a compete tool. Wtf is wrong with this generation.

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            8 Replies
            • Edited by Anedime: 12/24/2017 12:01:35 AM
              [quote]If we want Bungie to hear us we need to do more than just burn the forums, we must light a fire the world can see!![/quote] And that fire is a petition? You should do yourself a favor and go clicking though some other petitions on there, asks yourself how many petitions you were familiar with before you ran into them just then, and how many actually accomplished anything. [spoiler]Nobody gives a crap about and if you think you sitting in a chair and clicking a button in a random site will 'set the world ablaze' then more the fool you.[/spoiler] Really I gave so much crap I couldn't even be assed to read your whole post.

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              2 Replies
              • LOL U.N will send in peacekeepers to Cali and shut bungie down? TRY THE BBB or write to your congressman instead

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              • Definitely bait. Not signing.

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                • Edited by Acidwrym: 12/24/2017 1:05:28 AM
                  Haha like the actual United Nations? I read it and thought... there must be some kind of gaming regulatory organization I didn’t know about with The initials U.N. Nope.

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                • Edited by RoseScythe: 12/23/2017 11:55:50 PM
                  I think it's pretty funny that the entitled children who've been jerking eachother off on the forum for months instead of playing the game are crying because they don't have the bright dust needed to purchase the armour. Reminds me of the Lazy Mouse and the Industrious Mouse. Priceless.

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                  3 Replies
                  • You dweeb just don't use mom's credit card. All y'all do is complain. Grow some nuts be a man and just play. No one is telling you to buy stuff are they get over it you entitled little brat

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                  • Edited by Angelus Reprobi: 12/24/2017 12:59:39 AM
                    Only poor and or entitled little shlt heads cry about microtransactions that are literally just cosmetics

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                  • Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. *inhales* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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                    • Edited by TranceBandit: 12/23/2017 10:38:15 PM
                      lol .. it's honestly ridiculous. people are just upset about the way it operates. You get 9 bright engrams a week at an accelerated rate (about 1500 silver if you want to put it that way). Oh, and the 15 engrams you got from going 20 to 25. [ if you play 3 characters.] That's over 40 engrams since the DLC dropped, until now. For $0. People [id like to guess the millennials] are impatient to wait for Tess' cycle to sell what they want, so are insisting the engrams not be "random" . They want ghosts, sparrows, and ships to be obtainable in gameplay; which is a reasonable request, as they used to be available that way. **[which iron banner, the factions, and future raid will include, according to a tweet by CB]** They are upset that a new "cool" set of armor is available that they can't "grind" for. When in reality they can, just not in the way they want. As everything will be sold for dust at one point, which can be acquired by dismantling other Tess items that aren't of interest. [millennials*] want EVERYTHING handed to them on a "silver" platter. When instead, they should just get a job instead of relying on mommy's credit card. [if there is really something you can't live a virtual]

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                      28 Replies
                      • Krishna!

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                      • You know if you just play the game and level up, some of those bright engrams will give silver dust. You are aware of that right? If someone wants to spend their money to purchase some, well let them. It's their money and they are allowed to do with it as they please. People are seriously complaining about cosmetic items. Some people don't have the luxury to sit and play all day, they go to their jobs. If you have the time that allows you to sit and play all day with nothing else going on then you damn sure can't complain about people that buy the items, they don't have the time to earn them so they can purchase.

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                        2 Replies
                        • This might be over doing it a bit, why not just have it be like Overwatch where all of the emotes, ships, shaders, etc can be purchased with the bright dust. Not like it is now where they only have maybe 8 items on sale per week. It’s the randomization that’s just stupid and unnecessary. It seems like a money grab, people will still play the game, maybe even more people will play if they are able to choose what they want to get. This whole system needs to be reworked. Make it seem like they don’t just want money

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                          2 Replies
                          • These “petitions” are getting more ridiculous and funny 😂 again.... this is a FEEDBACK forum, not lol

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                          • uhhhh, thank you for polluting the website.

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                          • Lol, he even straight up told you what's up and you guys still don't get it.

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                          • ya really MF annoying 🤣🤣

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                          • Edited by Pokememes: 12/23/2017 9:42:08 PM
                            This forum is full of SJW white boy millenials, oh shiet, I gotta get outta here before I'm tagged as well.

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                            3 Replies
                            • .... A bit dramatic. It's not a big deal. We need somethings changed in the game and EV needs to be scaled back a bit with roughly half the things every season put behind the new raids, strikes, and other activities. I think the UN is a little busy handling real things though.

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