originally posted in:The New Dojo
"Eh, true enough. I never use drugs so I wouldn't really know."
He took his feet off the dashboard and the apple in his hand vanished.
"Where are we headed, captain?"
[i]"Dojoville, I take it you were headed there too?" [/i]
"Nah, I'm just moving around aimlessly at the moment. If I wanted to go there, I'd just go home."
[i]"Oh. So do you often do this?" [/i]
"Yep. Everyday in fact. I try to keep myself entertained and randomly meeting people helps me do that."
[i]"What do you do if there's nothing to talk about, then?" [/i]
"There's always something to talk about when meeting someone new. Like, where they came from, who they are, why are they doing what they're doing."
[i]"Yeah but what if it somehow goes quiet?" [/i]
"If the person was boring I'd probably move on eventually, but not until I've had fun annoying the sh*t outta them."
[i]"I like your style." [/i]
"Thank you...but seriously, who are you? Or what are you?"
[i]"Don't you know it's rude to ask a lady what she is?" Meg jokingly asked, as she took one hand off the wheel and put it on the gearstick, shifting it into a higher one. "Seriously though, I'm Meghan. Technically I'm a space human, though people just call my race an Awoken, due to some ties to void magic or something like that. I don't know particularly much about that." [/i]
"Please tell me you're not a Guardian from an alternate timeline where your mother is called Sarah. I think I'l shoot myself if there's another."
[i]"Yes to the Guardian, no to the Sarah. Never heard of her, though [b]technically[/b] I'm not a Guardian right now. Since I'm not at the Tower and all." [/i]
"Thank goodness." He sighed in relief, leaning back in his seat.
[i]"So, what's the big thing with this Sarah...?" [/i]
"For some reason she has an *ss load of kids showing up from other timelines from different possible lovers. She's my friend, but I'm not helping her deal with it."
[i]"That... I... What?" Was all Meghan could say. The very idea of it was... Baffling, to day the very least. It was a concept she could very vaguely grasp, but she did want down clarification. [/i]
"Yep. I can't really get over it either. Luckily, I don't have to deal with it. I think I'd just jump off a cliff."
[i]"I'd probably do the same. How did she get in that situation anyways?" [/i]
"Bad luck, I guess. Not like she summoned them or something. She hates it more than I do."
[i]"That's fair." [/i]
"So, you're a....hunter?"
[i]"Titan. My job back home was to punch things to death and build walls. I was really good at it, but I'll let you decide which one." [/i]
"Punching sh*t. All titans are good at punching sh*t, but I have yet to see one actually build a wall."
[i]"There was a bunch that built a city back home, actually. But you're right, I can punch really well." [/i]