originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i]The bald man would shrug, simply.[/i]
"If you do, then just know.. I'm like every other person. You'd.. well, tear through me."
"Good to know, but I'm not here to threaten you. I'm sorry if I am coming off a bit rough or mean. Anyway, is there information you have that could help me? I want to get this job done as fast and as well as I can. I have to get back to my girl..." Traci got a bit quiet at the end, worry in her voice.
"Hey, you're alright. Name's Edwin, for future references. Right now, our friend Fabio is heading through the arena, checking out whatever's going on underneath there. You'll be at the palace itself, seeing what's up. I love the uniform, by the way. Promoted?" [i]Coincidental, that Traci - or this Elizabeth that she had previously disguised as - was supposedly heading to a meeting at the palace, recalling the note on her being.[/i]
"Yes actually. I have a note to go to a meeting in the palace. I should probably be off, shouldn't I? I wouldn't want to be late." She giggled as she set the glass down, preparing to leave.
"Go ahead, kiddo. Be back for the party here though." [i]Edwin raised a glass to Traci, as she prepared to get moving. He smiled a little, beckoning for her to get moving: the palace wasn't too far away, though she would need to initiate her disguise.[/i]
Traci left, her face changing back to that of the woman's while she slipped through the crowds. She quickly made her way to the palace.
[i]The palace was a particularly massive place, the walls that surrounded the overshadowing building spiked and as old as the greater ones around the mighty city. The blood red banners of dragons soared high above, with Khaomite servants and guardsmen traversing throughout the palace, nobles gathering to discuss political affairs.[/i] "Ms. Elizabeth?" [i]A feminine voice would speak to Traci, as a taller, robed woman would speak to her. Her robe was of a light satin, her form seemingly built for athleticism beyond the mage-like garb. The woman's dirty blonde hair was braided around her neck, as she nodded towards Traci.[/i] "I suppose that you are here for our discussion?"
Traci nodded and smiled, her voice sounding just like that of Elizabeth's despite never hearing her speak. "Indeed! May I ask what this about again? I seem to have forgotten." She said in a joking tone.
Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 12/23/2017 7:15:38 PM"...It is unsurprisingly common for you to forget important matters, Liz. You do this all the time." [i]The woman noted, sighing.[/i] "I'm Rue, you remember that much? Your older sister? And Operation Ragnarok? I've said too much. Come along." [i]Rue would motion for Traci to follow: she was a woman that held herself in high regard, it seemed, as she pushed others aside for herself and who she believed to be her sister.[/i] "I hope you've been treated well. I've heard bad things about these Khaomite filth. If their true Empress.. Isabella, I believe - was here and not supporting the enemy.."
Traci followed closely behind, nodding. "I've been treated just fine, Rue. Try not to worry about me."
"I'm just.. checking. I care for you. The last spy that we lost was sold into the fight pits and.." [i]Rue sighed, as the two came into a room that seemed to be Rue's own: it seemed as if the Tribune were still negotiating with Khaom's politicians to prevent an uprising, and Rue seemed to be one of these ambassadors.[/i] "As for Ragnarok.. the thing about the dragon.. As of now, the Khaomites are unwilling to reveal it's existence, yet we still know of the creature. Or at least - you, and I, and few others, do. All that the rest know is that there is something kept deep below the arena, and.. It could spell doom for us all. A beast that could ravage worlds."
"Yes, that's true...." Traci purposely made it sound like she had forgotten, but was trying to act like she did know.
"...You've got to be kidding. You know this, Liz." [i]Rue sighed, handing her a glass of water before then sitting down.[/i]
Traci nervously chuckled and took the glass, running her finger around the top in an anxious manner. "Hehehe....I'm so sorry, Rue."
"It's.. it's fine. You're my sister. We'll get through this." [i]Rue would nod towards Traci then, sighing.[/i] "Though with how you're one of our few troops that've infiltrated the Khaomites, you're being promoted - I'm trusting you to accompany me on more complicated operations."
Traci smiled wide and nodded quickly, barely keeping back her fake excitement. "Thank you! Thank you, Rue!"
"It's fine. Normally, the Knight-Commander would deny such things, but he isn't in command here. The next operation will be actively taking over the Khaomite government from the inside. We will have to play their game. Their game of.. fight pits, rather." [i]Rue sighed.[/i] "I don't know if you can fight on par with these slave warriors. They will challenge you, Liz, and refusing a challenge is to shame yourself. So I need to know if you can, else I must hide you away."
Traci nodded to Rue. "I can do it, Rue. You don't have to hide me. I won't let you down."
"Happy that you're confident. It's.. fantastic. I believe.. you're on your break, for a time. Go get some rest, if you need to."
"Thank you, Rue." Traci began to walk out.
[spoiler]Want to fin it here? Though Traci taking care of the actual Elizabeth would be important, lol.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Yeah, just a tad.[/spoiler]