originally posted in:The New Dojo
*Mortar seems to be following her a little bit, waiting for the right time to pop in, say hello, and to check in. Already talking with Serenity about it, he wants to do the same with Leyla, knowing all too well what she knows*
Hey there guys, thought I'd pay a visit
"I can hear you mortar you really sneak up on leyla if im here."says Keira [i]keira had great hearing so it wasn't a surprise when she heard him behind them.[/i]
Bramd - old
Yeah, if I wanted to sneak up on you two you wouldn't have heard it. I just wanted to talk with you guys, I haven't really seen you since... then... *Unsure whether to explicitly bring it up or not, he trails off, trying to find something to say to the two of them. He had had his fair share of family death, so empathizing would be the easy part* -
"Lola's death you can says nothing can really change that fact or lessen the pain."says Keira
Bramd - old
I mean, yes, but it helps not to be so blunt about it. *He glances at Keira, then back at Leyla, knowing damn well that he may be able to prove Kiera wrong, like how he brought back Hovark. He sighs, thinking of anything to say* You know, you're not alone with this... Mourning her, I mean. I miss her too, as does your sister and your father. -
"Im sorry that i am blunt."says Keira "I know everyone does especially the kids."says Leyla
Bramd - old
Yeah... them as well. But... Don't take it too hard on yourself, please. I've lost family same as you, so I can help you get through this. -
"Yeah i know... but still does not stop me from missing her any less. At least having azalea here helps takes my mind off things just a little bit.kinda puts me at ease a little bit."says leyla
Bramd - old
Alright... Why don't we go somewhere else? Bring Serenity and the kids, and take a small vacation, have a change of scenery?