[i]"So will be have a Ghost?" [/i]
"No. Not instantly. Because a Gjost won't just stalk the kid and wait 'till it dies, I hope."
[i]"I know, but will the Traveler send one for him one day?" [/i]
[i]"I hope he gets one. It would be awesome, knowing he can get revived." [/i]
"Sis and I are legacies, ourselves," Mia chuckled.
[i]"Never heard of you guys, but that's probably because of the whole interdimensional shittery that this place is apparently tied to." [/i]
"Yeah. It's assholic. Like me.
[i]"You don't seem too much like an ass." [/i]
"Well, I have a big ass."
[i]"That I can agree with. It's a good one though." [/i]
"Yep. Always is."
[i]"You're an ass fan, then? Just guessing." [/i]
"Big fan of asses. All asses. Big asses, small asses. Fat asses. Flat asses."
[i]"I think we'll get along just fine, then. You see my ass yet?" [/i]
"Heh. I will."
[i]"Want me to show ya?" [/i]
She climbed out of the back into the front seat. "Maybe."
[i]Meghan stood up while driving, giving the Hunter a clear view of her ass. Which, in terms of ass standards, was a pretty nice ass. [/i]
[i]"Thanks. You can tocuh it if you want." It was clear Meg loved attention, even when it's just towards her body. [/i]
"Nah. I'd rather not. I'd wind up smacking it."
[i]"Heh, I wouldn't be against that." [/i]
Mia gave the booty a good slap. "Yes, the booty."
[i]"Damn, you have a good slap. It felt nice." [/i]