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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by NightBloomsFell: 12/21/2017 8:48:50 PM
[b]Tis the season...[/b] [u]Location: Dojo Time: Noonish[/u] [i]It was pretty jolly for most but not all it seems as it got closer to long awaited Christmas everyone was busy either wrapping gifts or visiting family and friends. It was for some at least a happier time but not really for leyla though as this was the first time she wasn't feeling exactly happy to celebrate it. Her two boys luka and yerin could tell in the way she would look at the last photo she had took with lola in it. This led the two boys to hide or move any photos with lola in them. As much as leyla told her two boys she was fine it didn't stop them from hiding them. This actually led up to azalea finding them one day hidden in the back of their top dresser drawer hidden under a stacked up pile of pants which she was talking to the boys about since she was out for the moment.[/i] "Why you hide these from her luka and yerin? "Says azalea "So mom wouldnt be so sad all the time."says yerin "she's always sad when she sees photos of Lola. " says Luka ---------- [b]Elsewhere...[/b] [i]Leyla is seen taking a walking with Keira following her as a black cat. She could tell that she wasn't the happiest person right now no matter how she smiled and she was fine. Keira was after all a twin and could understand the loss she felt wholeheartedly as she jumped up on the bench leyla had just sat down on. Keira just simply nudges her hands as she sits there next her. Leyla doesn't say much but just sits petting Keira back as she sits there. Keira doesn't say much just being quiet as leyla just pets her back. Keira eventually turns her head when she hears someone approaching.[/i] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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    Bramd - old

    *Mortar seems to be following her a little bit, waiting for the right time to pop in, say hello, and to check in. Already talking with Serenity about it, he wants to do the same with Leyla, knowing all too well what she knows* Hey there guys, thought I'd pay a visit

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  • "I can hear you mortar you really sneak up on leyla if im here."says Keira [i]keira had great hearing so it wasn't a surprise when she heard him behind them.[/i]

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    Bramd - old

    Yeah, if I wanted to sneak up on you two you wouldn't have heard it. I just wanted to talk with you guys, I haven't really seen you since... then... *Unsure whether to explicitly bring it up or not, he trails off, trying to find something to say to the two of them. He had had his fair share of family death, so empathizing would be the easy part*

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  • "Lola's death you can says nothing can really change that fact or lessen the pain."says Keira

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    Bramd - old

    I mean, yes, but it helps not to be so blunt about it. *He glances at Keira, then back at Leyla, knowing damn well that he may be able to prove Kiera wrong, like how he brought back Hovark. He sighs, thinking of anything to say* You know, you're not alone with this... Mourning her, I mean. I miss her too, as does your sister and your father.

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  • "Im sorry that i am blunt."says Keira "I know everyone does especially the kids."says Leyla

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    Bramd - old

    Yeah... them as well. But... Don't take it too hard on yourself, please. I've lost family same as you, so I can help you get through this.

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  • "Yeah i know... but still does not stop me from missing her any less. At least having azalea here helps takes my mind off things just a little bit.kinda puts me at ease a little bit."says leyla

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    Bramd - old

    Alright... Why don't we go somewhere else? Bring Serenity and the kids, and take a small vacation, have a change of scenery?

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  • *Sketch walks up, sitting down next to Leyla on the opposite side.* “Hey, I’ve been looking for you! Is something wrong?”

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  • Edited by NightBloomsFell: 12/21/2017 9:26:07 PM
    "Im fine..really"says leyla "Such a lair she's upset about lola being dead but i take she didn't tell you now did she."says keira [i]Leyla just sighs and looks down at Keira who pretty much ratted her out. Keira didn't care if she was mad at her for telling him. She knew it wasn't fair for leyla to keep things from him. [/i] "Yeah lola died protecting leyla but mortar stepped in to prevent further bloodshed. That's why you could not find her he was worried that she would died from her injuries as a result if he didn't. They used shrapnel type attacks on her that tore her apart. That where the new scars on her came from."says Keira

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  • *He looked her up and down, his ears flattening.* “Leyla... W-Why didn’t you tell me? If had known...” *He fell silent.*

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  • "I would have but.. i didn't want you to go after irina again. I-i don't want to lose anyone esle... besides lola was able to actually find and send a letter to our grandma apparently. She's here now and she actually helped intervene as if you don't know This Hovark is back. "says leyla [i]she doesn't meet sketch's gaze looking away ss she tries not to cry. But he would able to see she's upset about this. [/i]

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  • *He pulls her in, hugging her tightly.* “I’ve given up going after her... It’s not healthy. Even when I was able to find her, she wouldn’t stay because I wasn’t ‘strong enough.’ The most I can do is try to protect you... But that hasn’t worked...” *He stays silent for a few seconds.* “How... How did Lola die?”

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  • "Well im not sure i had passed from my injuries and blood loss."says leyla [i]keira sighs a bit. Leyla lets him hug her letting Keira explain. [/i] "Well i was pretty much after she passed out lola jumped from the stands to intervene in the fight between the two after she passed out from there irina pretty much gave her the same injuries except a stabbing blow to Lola's essentially killing her almost instantly. Serenity had shown up with talath who had to hold her back while she screamed and cryed out lola's name. There was so much blood everywhere you pretty smell it in the air. Unfortunately i was there to witness it. Not something you would have wanted to see sketch."says Keira

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  • “She gave her life to protect you... Sphirins have a belief that when someone gives their life to save another, they are bound to that person to protect them afterward... I don’t think she’s really gone, Leyla.”

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  • "I know that she knew me better than anyone esle ever could though... like she knew that she wouldn't want my children to their mother. But i still miss her i always will. Twins share a bond that can never be broken."says leyla [i]keira said nothing letting her talk for a minute.[/i] "Would you like to meet azalea sketch she's watching the boys for a little bit."says leyla

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  • “Yes, I would... But Leyla, have you dreamt about her?”

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  • "Yes that's why it's so damn hard and think that's why her photos keep going missing for some reason."says leyla [i]keira had a feeling it was her sons hiding her sisters photos. but didn't say anything.[/i]

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  • “Then she’s still there, Leyla. Maybe it’s only in your dreams, but she’s there. Like you said, there’s nothing like the bond between twins.” *He said, nuzzling her.*

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  • "Yes that definitely is true sketch. i should head home to check on our kids."says Leyla

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  • *He nods, not entirely convinced she believed him.* “Yeah, let’s go.”

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  • [i]she did though and she was kinda excited that he was going her grandmother as she only remnant left with any soul connection to her late mother. Which made her a little nervous a bit knowing he has never met her before. She stood up and Keira hopped down off the bench.[/i] "The boys really like her which is a good thing. You'll like her she's pretty nice as long as you don't make her mad which is rare "says leyla

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  • “I’m glad.” *He says, thinking a little.* “So, she’s your grandmother on your mother’s side then, since I’ve already met Willow.”

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  • "Yes her name is azalea frost."says leyla [i]as she walks with him back to their home. [/i] "She's not as crazy as willow was but she a lot older than she was."says leyla [i]when they get home azalea would sitting on the couch with yerin and luka on either side as she was reading a book to them. She looked almost like serenity but with red hair streaked with silver hair. Pale blue skin and bright green eyes and a skinnier build.[/i]

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