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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
12/21/2017 6:07:06 AM
[spoiler]I'd supposed that she'd be wearing her jacket.[/spoiler] [i]Mion would hear a horn blow, then. Two horns, after each other. The first seemed to warn of the incoming storm. But the second was followed by shouts, by marches and battle cries..[/i] [i]What was going on?[/i] [i]Mion would soon figure out, as the storm continued to draw closer, Oliver stormed throughout the tent, his longsword in hand while he pried open the entrance with his free hand. He found Mion, his breathing panicky as he looked back before he stared upon her.[/i] "Mion, I.. I need you to stay calm, okay? Do you know who the servants head to during an.. an attack?" [i]Mion knew this. Servants of all ages would retreat to assigned defenders during such an occasion, their location usually signified by the light horn blasts that they held. At least the Trayvens cared for the innocent, yet the sounds of clashing steel and cries of battle continued in the distance.[/i]

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  • [i]Mion's head snapped up in confusion as she looked around, and a sinking feeling in her stomach. Something was wrong: though she had found out after a few seconds. They were under attack. Seeing Oliver stumble into her tent, she stood up, dropping the book onto her bed as her mind began to race. Now wasn't the time for panicking: she knew were she had to go.[/i] "Y-yeah..." [i]Her voice was beginning to shake, her heart starting to beat hard in her chest.[/i] "Where are they attacking from?"

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  • "...All around. They're trying to close in and force us into a corner.." [i]Oliver would worryingly look back, as soon the fighting would grow louder over time, as he would slam his helmet onto his head and turn back to Mion.[/i] "We need to get moving! Now, Mion! Come on!"

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  • [i]Mion would nod once, as she frantically began to follow Oliver. She hoped that the fighting hadn't gotten too close, hindering her path as a result. She stood as close as she could to the knight, giving her protection but not hindering him. She would occasionally turn her head to look behind herself, to see if the attackers were near.[/i]

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  • "It'll.. It'll be alright.." [i]The fighting seemed to have been kept to the exterior of the camp, until Oliver was suddenly surrounded.[/i] [i]A blade whistled towards the young man's neck from his left, as he would suddenly duck, only to grab his cross guard and drive the weapon through his attacker's abdomen. The attacker was a robed woman, wrapped within light leather and shawls to protect from sand, but not blades, as she was pierced and sent to the ground. Oliver would turn back, to face off against three like the woman, brandishing curved swords. He ensured that Mion was behind him, his eyes flickering to her for a second.[/i] "...[i]Run[/i]."

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  • [i]Her expression was one of fear, yet also of worry. She knew Oliver would be fine when in combat, but yet she still worried for his safety. Stumbling backwards a bit, she would eventually turn and run, searching for where she was supposed to go.[/i]

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  • [i]The clattering of swords clashing together would ring throughout the air as Mion ran from the scene, as she would have to maneuver throughout the worsening combat. Wings of something massive would traverse through the skies above, as Trayvens and the warriors of sand alike would continue fighting.[/i] [i]Then, Mion felt a cracking.[/i] [i]The ground beneath her had begun to literally split open, sand retreating into it's gaping maw: the drop didn't seem too far down, though, and she would see the faint glimpse of a tunnel - the group that she was heading to was nowhere in sight, either they had no horn blower or.. worse.[/i]

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  • [i]As Mion looked around, trying to desperately find the group she was looking for, she was startled by the ground splitting open, landing on her bottom as she shuffled back a bit. She stared at it for a while, before picking herself up and taking s few steps back from it. No way she was going to look down there. She would start to look around again, considering calling out for them but putting it off, since it was useless to yell over the sounds of war. She had to make due, wandering around the camp to search for her group, while watching for cracks on the ground.[/i]

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  • [i]As the fighting would begin to grow more hectic, with warriors of the sand rushing past Mion and seemingly ignoring her, and Trayven soldiers beginning to call out for a retreat in the onslaught, Mion soon found that she needed to run: the cracks in the earth had begun to split the very encampment in two, the high-pitched, monstrous screaming of something to her far left suddenly calling out - the ringing made her ears throb, yet she would sustain yet.[/i] [i]She found some hope, though: a small party of Trayvens, with a few servants that she recognized, had begun to retreat from the onslaught. They blew the retreating horn, as a few others would join their pack. Cowards, to some, but survivors and saviors to others.[/i] [i]Yet.. Mion heard another calling.[/i] [i]As the ground would split open once more, it was as if Mion's hearing was muffled: the cries of battle drowned out, the clashing of blades cancelled. Now she heard a song, from.. the deep, perhaps. Something that Niki had sung, or at least mentioned.[/i] [u]"Deep in the sands of golden wastes,[/u] [u]Reviving of kings in certain haste,[/u] [u]Armageddon's split, like the ground beneath,[/u] [u]Graves only serve as a temporal sheath..[/u] [u]To the kings of sand.[/u]" [i]When the random, ironically peaceful song had ended, the ground stretches apart once more, revealing a clear tunnel throughout the cracks underneath. Mion had a choice: to retreat with the other soldiers, or to follow this unknown.. singing, which had seemingly chosen her.[/i]

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  • [i]When she heard the peaceful song Niki had once sung to her echo in her ears, she paused for a moment, as she looked down at the crack on the ground once again. She felt surprised, and curious. It couldn't be a coincidence... Could it? She started to feel conflicted. For all she knew, she could be trapped down there, but... She may be able to find something to stop this fighting. She looked around to see if anyone was watching, before walking up to the crack and peering down it. Then back to the group of servants and defenders. Her mind would be made up, looking down at the crack. Crouching down low as her legs swung over the edge of the crack, she slowly eased herself down as she scooted over, then placed both her hands on the edge as she lowered herself. She would then let go, trying to land on her feet as she went in.[/i]

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  • [i]When Mion went into the crack of earth, the ground would slide together once she descended down, piecing itself back together.[/i] [i]Mion would land on her feet, indeed, and upon sand and stone as well. Ruined, torn fabrics and remainders of the camps surrounded her. There was also a small dagger down there, with a slightly torn, yet functional sheath. Mion wouldn't find anything to eat, only a small bottle of water.[/i] [i]Then, there was the pitch black tunnel.[/i] [spoiler]One of Mion's bands can illuminate the dark, I think? Can't remember.[/spoiler]

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  • [i]She would peer up as the crack began to close in on itself, covering her eyes with her arm as dust and sand fell. She would then take to look around her own surroundings, seeing the small dagger and the water bottle. First, she would pick up the dagger, looking it over. She knew that it would be a useful tool, depending on the situation. Though she wouldn't be using it to hurt anyone, unless if it was an emergency. Pocketing the dagger, she would also pick up the water bottle. No time to check if it was clean, though. Her attention would then be turned to the dark tunnel, as she walked over to it. Seeing that there was no apparent light source, she started to will her bow into existence, its glow illuminating the area around her. It would do for now. Taking a deep breath, she would walk into the tunnel, glowing bow in hand.[/i]

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  • [i]And thus, Mion would descend onwards, deep into the catacombs of the kings. And somewhere in the distance, she could hear Niki's peaceful song, repeating over and over..[/i] [spoiler]We can call it fin, I'll get a post for you and Roy.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Kei.[/spoiler]

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