originally posted in:The New Dojo
He just then shot at her, emptying all six bullets into her chest, face, and lower abdomen. They were just standing there and he was getting bored
[i]With Jared having to aim, Pandora would release yet another blast from a gaster blaster, this time directly in front of her. Pandora hated range more than anything - she needed to get closer.[/i]
Jared dashed to the side, but having aimed his gun straight towards Pandora the blast sawed off most of his revolver, and he then unsheathed his katana again. "Alright, point taken."
[i]Pandora would simply nod, as she would formulate a weapon of her own within her arm: her right arm would shift and mutate, dragonscale protruding from it's now extending form as a two-foot long blade grew from Pandora's hand. The edge was lined with a light orange flame, one that was not necessarily natural.[/i] [i]Not one of Alpha's flames.[/i]
He grinned. "Nothin' like a good ole' blade." He leaped at Pandora with his speed and strength, and despite both of them having Biomass manipulation powers, it was obvious that Jared had more training, his speed and strength slightly above Pan's. He brought his blade down, to try to hack right down the middle