originally posted in:The New Dojo
"One question, does the king have any grandchildren?" David asked.
"Grandchildren? No. Arthur is yet to have a betrothed lady, due to his disappearance.. Isabella, for all I know, cares little for genuine love. Oliver and Niki, I doubt would ever have children. Freya is romanced to a young woman, and Julian remains here, waiting for a princess I believe. ...why do you ask?"
"Well.... you can't say it's unlikely for Oliver...."
"...Do not bring up this matter to Armillion." [i]There was a certain seriousness in Camela's tone, as she sighed, shaking her head. Something was wrong with a bаstard having a child, it seemed.[/i] "Stop while we can. We don't need spies torturing both of us for information about this.. occurrence."
David nodded. "Alright. I'll simply keep quiet about the matter."
"Good. Good.. Anywhere else that you would wish to visit, sir?"
"Not that I can think of." He picked up another book.
[i]That book seemed to cover Trayve's finances - gold and weapons, it seemed.[/i] "Mm. We can chat for a while, I suppose. I've yet to have.. lunch, I believe you would call it. Then we may visit the palace."
Edited by Splashback77: 12/21/2017 5:51:52 AM"Alright. It's good to talk to you. Also... why is what I told you exactly a bad thing."
Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 12/21/2017 5:49:48 AM"Bаstard children.. are not necessarily the most respected children. Thus children are.. not expected from them." [i]The knightess in gilded armor would then sigh, as she would lead David out of the library.[/i]
"So what it's not expected. Why is this so? Don't all of us desreve the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?" David asked.
"...Look, it's more complicated than that. A bаstard child already looks bad for a king. Two looks even worse. And one now having a child.. it could spark war. David, this could be terrible. Armillion mustn't know about this." [i]Camela seemed to almost beg David, a status unlike her seemingly subtle, yet straightforward demeanor. It was as if it could be very, very bad, if Armillion learned of his bаstard's child, or children.[/i]
He nodded. "I hope I never become a king," he admitted, "Or a leader."
"...You have the qualities of a leader." [i]Camella had seemingly blurted out, looking at David then.[/i] "You care for the history behind things. The true history behind something. You seem to respect one's background and freedoms, too."
"I do... But that's how I am. I always inquire to question."
"Respectable enough, sir. Carry on with whatever you wish. Then, we shall depart for the palace."
"We can head to the palace, then. I will admit. I'm nervous. This is the first time I've been in the same room as a monarch or political leader that [i]wasn't[/i] trying to kill me."
[i]Camela would then shoot a slightly worried glance to David, as she had begun to lead him down the sidewalk. They would be heading upwards, towards the shadowing palace overhead.[/i] "You would openly admit that to a guard of a king. Unfortunately for you, I am a dedicated subject to His Righteous One.. ...but I suppose I could let that information pass unnoticed and unspoken."
"Yeah... I will act civil. I'm just nervous. Okay. Like, what if he tried to kill me, too. Or monolog, [i]then[/i] kill me. Yeah... the last politician I met was a leader of a legion of space turtles that captured the last safe city on Earth and the thing most humans in that timeline consider holy."
"What.." [i]Camela seemed rather confused about the events of Destiny 2, to say the very least.[/i] "...No. I do not take my king for a man whom would monologue, before having you executed for.. whatever reason he would see fit."
Edited by Splashback77: 5/12/2018 5:29:43 AM"Well, I can't die easily. So if I piss off Armillion, he'll have fun trying to get rid of me."
"If you anger him, then I.." [i]Camela would bring her gaze to David then, before sighing and shaking her head as they carried onwards. She didn't feel comfortable, about admitting that she would have to attack David if ordered.[/i] [i]They were approaching the palace steps, when Camela blurted out.[/i] "So about these space turtles.."
"Main troops are 800 pounds, highly miltarized, lots of guns that hurt, and have done a shit load of blowing up stars and solar systems."
"...I could take a few in melee." [i]Camela would mutter, as the two of them would reach the top of the stairs, the massive palace before them.[/i] "Here we are. I hope that you are ready?"
"I am ready, I promise."
[i]At that, Camela nodded, as she entered the courtroom, leading David within.[/i] [spoiler][url=https://youtu.be/WlgNSm5EmCA]King Armillion Theme - Baratheon Standard[/url][/spoiler] [i]The throne room was massive in design, the long hallway brightly lit by the windows that would cast the sunlight's rays upon the inhabitants, of which had parted to reveal a pathway for Camela and David to approach the mighty, golden throne ahead. The Lionknight nodded towards David one last time, as they approached the King of Lions.[/i] [i]Armillion was a mighty man, even if he was old. He was towering, at seven feet tall, his bulk still retaining throughout the years: he looked like he could crush one's head if he wished to. His great grey mane of a beard flickered with remnants of golden blonde, deep blue eyes staring the approaching duo, as loyal Camela would stop and kneel before speaking.[/i] "My King. This young man, good in heart, is David: representative of the Dojo, an good defender of this alternate world." "He may approach." [i]The robed king would say, nodding towards David's figure.[/i]