originally posted in:The New Dojo
Bedlam seemed to back up a little at that, looking everywhere, but at Sarah.
"I...uhh...I mean, I guess we aren't...together....I just...."
He looked her in the eye with a weak smile and watering eyes.
"I hope you two are very happy together and that the child is healthy...but I've got to go."
Bedlam started quickly walking out of the apartment.
"I told you, he'd run," Sarah told Lunar, who momentary appeared. "Yeah, it's not my fault you're now miserable and friendless," Lunar sighed.
He stopped at the front door, leaning on the doorway before slowly sliding down so he was sitting on the ground. He clutched his head in his hands and took deep breathes. "Why do I care? We weren't even together...this is my fault."
Suddenly he saw a six foot tall blonde standing over him. She wore a the robes of the Warlock and the Dark-Drinker on her back. The woman looked about 21. She looked down at Bedlam. Her voice was rather high-pitched, "Hello! Why so sad?"
"I just lost what might've been the love of my life...I'm so stupid." He cried quietly into his hands, sitting there pathetically.
"Did you two divorce? Or break up?" She asked. Something about this girl seemed familiar to Bedlam, even her hazel eyes.
"I-I...I mean, we broke up...then got together for a night...but then she spent one night with another guy and...she's pregnant." Bedlam sighed, gazing up at the woman. "Wait, another Dark-Drinker? Another kid of Sarah's, I'm guessing?"
"Phoebe Smith. And... Wait? My siblings are here?" She asked. She was rather confused, "And she's cheating on my father... oh... he's gonna be mad."
"Mad? If your father is Jason then this Sarah is about to go find a way to kill him." Bedlam sighed again. "Why did I leave her?"
"Correction. My dad's name is James. Jason is his middle name. And why would she kill him?" Phoebe asked.
"Because he's a piece of sh*t and stabbed her." He slowly stood up. "I don't know if I want to talk right now..."
"He... stabbed her?" Phoebe asked, "Dad would never do that."
"The James here did. He's dead now though. I'm just happy there's no kids of mine from another timeline to remind me of my mistake with Sarah."
[spoiler]Stahp giving me ideas[/spoiler] Phoebe seemed a bit sad, now. "Can I do anything to cheer you up?"
He shook his head, tears falling from his eyes again despite his smile. "Unless you can turn back time...no. I think...I think I need to be alone. I already miss her...." He began walking away.
[spoiler]F*ck Oliver.[/spoiler]