originally posted in:The New Dojo
"...For a time, wherever you see fit. The king would like an audience with you later, though.
And.. if you wouldn't mind," [i]The woman cleared her throat, brushing brunette hair out of her eyes before offering a hand to David.[/i]
"Camela. Most call me Cam. One of the king's Lionknights - his most sworn protectors."
"Dojo accepts all currencies, but we'll pay this tax in gold."
"Good! Additionally, I ask that Trayve has possession over some land in your Tatakai. We must expand, after all."
Edited by Splashback77: 12/24/2017 9:19:54 PM"That's.... a bit... overboard. Where is this land?" He asked.
"It's simple: I want a piece of land. What of.. Khalosh? The city of Khalosh?"
"This matter will need to be discussed with the leaders of that city."
"[i]This matter[/i] should be discussed now. But no matter, Titan." [i]Armillion would boom, as he would then stand from his seat and stare down upon David.[/i] "You shall find yourself at home, in Trayve. My knightess, Camela, shall accompany you once more."
Edited by Splashback77: 3/29/2018 4:43:54 AM"Khalosh... is not owned by the Dojo, I don't think. The city has its own leader. I am an ambassador of the Dojo. Not Khalosh. This is something you would need you consult those it that city for."
"I will consult that city with gold, or with fire and death, little boy. Now, go - I believe that our negotiations are settled."
He nodded. He would leave to return to the archives.
[i]David would find Camela sprinting after him, panting quietly as her gilded steel armor would make a small ruckus. As she caught up to David, she would nod again to him.[/i] "Armillion.. wanted me to escort you around. ...Alright, I'll admit. After you left, I asked to escort you, perhaps protect you, for a time. I don't believe that you would need much protection, but.. Trayve isn't exactly the safest place. Political enemies are everywhere. By the way.. what did you say, in that foreign language?"
"Something you, as the King's guard wouldn't like. Also, political enemies? Elaborate."
"I'll elaborate once you tell me." [i]Camela would stand in front of David, then. She.. wasn't as intimidating, in truth, being a few inches shorter than the Titan, though her adamant stature said otherwise.[/i] "...Look, if you can't even trust me with words.. I'm not going to strike you down over a few insults in some foreign language, if that's what you think I'll do."
"Alright then. But I'm warning you it's long: The unjust king will fall. If a king lies to his people, he has betrayed them. I may have been sent as an ambassador of the Dojo, but I am the ambassador of the people. I will find the truth, inform the people, and rise with them. I bow to no king or politician. My devotion is to the people, their rights, their freedoms, their protection, and I will show them how to fight if I need to," he repeated in the English language.
"...You truly are a leader. At least, you have the aspects of one." [i]Camela would then respond, with a simple, almost stunned expression, though she kept collected nonetheless. It was striking, to her.[/i] "Thank you, though. For telling me."
Edited by Splashback77: 1/1/2018 2:57:38 AM"Thank you for the compliment?" He shrugged.
"It is more than a compliment, sir." [i]Camela nodded towards David, bowing her head in an almost serving manner.[/i] "A statement. No, an acknowledgement. You keep surprising me, and for the better. Political enemies, though.. the game for Trayve's hierarchy is corrupt and unjust. A game for titles and a game for riches. Men and women hire assassins, poisoners, escorts.. all to maim or even kill one another. Armillion has only suffered one assassination attempt through his years, and his attacker suffered worse - he twisted the disguised servant's neck with his two arms, until it.. well, popped off would be a term to use. Armillion.. has always had a satisfaction from combat, but never cruelty."
"Well. Sounds like the heirachy needs a change. Or a change in the people apart of it."
"...Both would help. ...Hey. Move a little slower. Turn right, this next corner." [i]Camela had seen something, as they walked down the street. Something that panicked her.[/i]
David complied, walking slower. When he saw the corner, he turned right. "Yes, Camela?" He asked.
"We're being hunted." [i]Indeed, four individuals had begun to follow Camela and David. Unarmored, yet armed with melee weapons, appropriate for self defense.[/i] "Turn left, this time. Keep going straight. We can bait them - it's four versus two, but we can take them if this works."
"Amethyst?" David asked. His purple Ghost appeared, "Yes?" "Are you able to ressurect?"
[i]Amethyst would not find the ability to resurrect.[/i] [i]As Camella and David turned down the street, they found a walkway that lead upwards to a bridge overhead, while one of the followers took the walkway, the other three still after them. As they reached the underneath of the bridge-[/i] "[i]Now![/i]" [i]Camella would yell out, as she would push David to the side: in result, the assassin from above crashed down upon her, as the two struggled between a knife within the attacker's hand. Yet through it, Camella's straight sword skidded upon the ground to David's feet, as the other three assassins drew shortswords and approached the Titan.[/i]
He whistled to Amethyst, who would transmat the Dark-Drinker to his hand. "I can't resurrect you here," she warned.
[i]Two of the assassins would approach, as one would go to slash at Daniel diagonally, the other circling him for an opportunity to attack. A yell was suddenly heard from Camella - one of pain, yet a tearing noise and a deathly gurgle escaped her attacker's mouth. Civilians began to run from the scene, screams ringing out as Camella pushed the body off of her body, her shoulder injured from a stab wound.[/i]
"Camela!" He called, as he would counter. He stayed wary of the second assassin, as he would slice towatds one.