originally posted in:The New Dojo
Traci jogged back a little before sprinting forward and running up the wall. She grabbed onto the ledge of one of the lower ones and pulled herself up.
[i]When Traci pulled herself up, she would find herself avoiding the gaze of a passing knight, of which had adorned a uniform of dark red and black. Engraved upon the back plating was a dragon, with painted red ruby eyes.[/i] [i]Red eyes, just like Isabella's, if Traci drew the connection. She was from Khaom, after all.[/i] [i]Nonetheless, the guardsman seemed to be relaxing for once, seeing as the city was practically impenetrable from a head-on assault.[/i]
She let the guard pass before peaking around the corners, trying to see where the passageways led.
[i]There were a few alternate passages: staircases leading down to possibly the ground floor, and the guard barracks themselves. Traci was likely looking for the ground floor, seeing as hanging out with supposedly bad men and women probably wasn't on het mind at the moment.[/i]
Traci fought the urge to go to the barracks and kill the guards as she quietly ran over to the stairs. The sound of her feet were extremely dampened for some reason and none of her clothes made any noise.
[i]Whenever Traci would reach the bottom, she would come across what looked to have been a small office, operated by a young woman. A civilian. The office seemed to check in the soldiers, before checking them out as well. Traci could get away with quickly subduing the woman if needed.[/i]
[i]Kill her?[/i] Traci slowly began to pull out a knife. [i]No...she's a civilian....[/i] She quietly sighed to herself before having a large, floating rock bash the woman over the head to knock her out.
[i]The woman would be knocked out instantaneously, collapsing and descending into an unconscious state. Traci was free to leave - or to steal the woman's uniform, if she wanted.[/i]
Traci just walked over, her physical appearance and clothes changing to fit the woman perfectly. "Thank you, dear..." She quickly hid the woman under the desk and then looked through the papers for anything that might be important before continuing on her way.
[i]She received a name "Elizabeth A. Montgomery" - oddly civil for such a place. Traci also found a map of the city's divisions, a few maps of what seemed to be tunnels underneath the city as well, some cards from a lover in the girl's satchel.. and another note.[/i] [b]Meet with Rue at palace, floor two. Promotion?[/b]
Traci placed the woman back in her chair and positioned her so she looked like she had fallen asleep before stuffing all the maps into the satchel and taking it with her as she left.
[i]Outside, Traci would find that she was at least within the middle class homes of Khaom. The city was still darkened from nighttime, the towering walls casted over the civilization. Yet torches dimly lit the city, as civilians of medieval proportions would traverse through the rainy streets.[/i] [i]For now, Traci needed to establish contact with spies within the city. A bar might work.[/i]
Traci found the nearest bar, changing her face back to her normal one as well as her hair back to its normal red. She walked, observing her surroundings.
[i]Her surroundings were rather average as she came in, yet as she entered, she would see a flash of gold from a table in the corner, with a hooded person sitting at it. Most of the patrons seemed to be travelers, so they blended in well.[/i] [i]Perhaps this was one of the Trayven spies.[/i]
Traci slipped through the tables and people as she made her way to the table, trying not to bring attention to herself.
"Guess this is the lady of.. the lady, perhaps?" [i]The hooded figure would joke, as Traci drew closer to his being. He would wave for her to sit at the table, offering her what appeared to have been a glass of fresh water.[/i]
Edited by Stitch: 12/21/2017 3:47:52 PMTraci sat down with a small smile and took the glass in hand. "Not a hundred percent sure what that means, but it sounds good."
"You and boss's.. relationship, I meant. She's holding up well, by the way. Good to see that you're alright, too." [i]The man would pull back his hood, revealing a bald, simple face, one that could blend in within a crowd and never be found, his eyes a light brown.[/i] "Wayne. I know you already - basic info, anyway."
"I was never told anything about you, but if you happen to cross me that should be an easy fix." Traci drank from the glass, smiling, making it appear like she was just having a friendly conversation.
[i]The bald man would shrug, simply.[/i] "If you do, then just know.. I'm like every other person. You'd.. well, tear through me."
"Good to know, but I'm not here to threaten you. I'm sorry if I am coming off a bit rough or mean. Anyway, is there information you have that could help me? I want to get this job done as fast and as well as I can. I have to get back to my girl..." Traci got a bit quiet at the end, worry in her voice.
"Hey, you're alright. Name's Edwin, for future references. Right now, our friend Fabio is heading through the arena, checking out whatever's going on underneath there. You'll be at the palace itself, seeing what's up. I love the uniform, by the way. Promoted?" [i]Coincidental, that Traci - or this Elizabeth that she had previously disguised as - was supposedly heading to a meeting at the palace, recalling the note on her being.[/i]
"Yes actually. I have a note to go to a meeting in the palace. I should probably be off, shouldn't I? I wouldn't want to be late." She giggled as she set the glass down, preparing to leave.
"Go ahead, kiddo. Be back for the party here though." [i]Edwin raised a glass to Traci, as she prepared to get moving. He smiled a little, beckoning for her to get moving: the palace wasn't too far away, though she would need to initiate her disguise.[/i]
Traci left, her face changing back to that of the woman's while she slipped through the crowds. She quickly made her way to the palace.
[i]The palace was a particularly massive place, the walls that surrounded the overshadowing building spiked and as old as the greater ones around the mighty city. The blood red banners of dragons soared high above, with Khaomite servants and guardsmen traversing throughout the palace, nobles gathering to discuss political affairs.[/i] "Ms. Elizabeth?" [i]A feminine voice would speak to Traci, as a taller, robed woman would speak to her. Her robe was of a light satin, her form seemingly built for athleticism beyond the mage-like garb. The woman's dirty blonde hair was braided around her neck, as she nodded towards Traci.[/i] "I suppose that you are here for our discussion?"