Pineapple pizza consists of 14 letters, 2 words.
7 is half of 14.
But that's one way of looking at it.
Pineapple Pizza was invited during the Roman era, not in Canada.
The Romans soon fell. Why? They collapsed by their own creation. Pineapple Pizza. This has been covered up by the U.S. Government and and placed on Canada because Canada is the obvious scapegoat for everything.
If history repeats itself, the U.S. will collapse. And I have proof. The hurricanes and wildfires lately? Pineapple Pizza.
The riots and protests? Pineapple Pizza.
The radical uprising of radicals? Pineapple. Pizza.
Some of you Pineapple Pizza advocates will attack me, but I know the truth. PP is an abomination, and it's only goal is to reign supreme, to be a superior species on our Earth. It will not stop until every last city has been obliterated.
Ajit Pai loves Pineapple Pizza. You don't need proof.
Ajit Pai wants to get rid of Net Neutrality.
Only stupid people hate NN. Therefore, Pineapple Pizza controls you and makes you stupid. It's so simple even a dead man from 1245 B.C.E. could see it.
Back to Ajit Pai, he was born in 1973.
It takes three sixes to make 666. How does that fit in? 197[u]3[/u].
This concludes that Ajit Pai is the devil himself, and may be the ones controlling Pineapple Pizza to control others. Or maybe what I said before. There's no way of knowing without going on a suicide mission.
This concludes the conspiracy theory, if you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to ask. Questions of all kinds are welcome.
Additional information:
Cartis- [quote]14 contains a 4, there's 2 words in pineapple pizza.
7-2=5 take that 1 from fourteen and 5+1=6
16÷2=8 take that other 2 and subtract it from 8
We now have 3 6's.
666 the number of the beast. Triangles also have 3 corners.
Add the I from pineapple.
Illuminaughty confirmes. Pineapple pizza is only liked by devil worshippers, and is trash.[/quote]
Edited by Solus Christus: 12/19/2017 4:34:14 AMWhat about [i]vegemite[/i] as a pizza topping? 🤔