originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i]Epilogue: The War Has Only Begun (from that Imperial Invasion WAY too long ago...)[/i]
[i](Destroyed Imperial Sector, Khalosh
2 months since Imperial Invasion)[/i]
[spoiler]Below in the spoiler is mostly the non-interactive part of it. Mostly just explanation.
Also Italics= They’re speaking the Corpus language.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]A Void Key cracked in half. A dead woman, dropped dead, fire and bristling destruction around the body. The Imperial symbol, once gracefully shown in this section of the less than perfect planet of Tatakai, was now torn and nothing but a piece of cloth.
Nothing but rubble and the rotten smell of a concoction of burning bodies, and fallen weapons, most of rotting Imperial bodies.
Sure, some Imperials survived the invasion and had now attempted to rebuild their defenses in Tatakai.
But Kiyala’s regime of the Empire here? It came at an end with a group of people which can be compared to a more badass version of Rogue One...
Velinnea, the Mandalorian- turned clone commander who had a knack for pistols and snipers.
Victoria, a faithful, and loyal warrior who fought not only for the Dojo, but of her individual group-mates as well.
Nathaniel, the Mandalorian commander who joined Victoria and the Dojo army in the siege of the Imperial Sector, and was very protective of everyone, especially that of his fellow Mandalorian.
Treyman, the man whom had come to aid the Resistance, after him and fellow cowboy JT helped destroy the Star Destroyer [i]Belligerence[/i].
Tethys, the Jedi Master who was brought by accident to Tatakai, and helped to stop the tyranny of the Empire from spreading to the rest of Tatakai.
And Bariss, the Tenno, whom wished to bring herself into the Dojo, proving that she could help the Dojo after judgement by Tesuto nearly a year before.
Alongside others, this was what eventually brought
the downfall of the Empire, and brings us to today...
When a new faction made itself known. [/spoiler]
A [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/warframe/images/0/0f/MOADE2.png/revision/latest?cb=20140930125254&path-prefix=fr]few robotic units[/url] came out of the gunship, alongside a few [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/warframe/images/1/18/CrewmanDE.png/revision/latest?cb=20131207100410]Crewman[/url].
Three of which ended up coming up last, saluting as they got out of the way, their [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/warframe/images/0/05/SloScrambusFull.png/revision/latest?cb=20151006210402]leader[/url] of the small group coming out.
[i]”What shall we do with the body?”[/i] one of the Crewman asked the leader.
[i]”Two of you deal with the body. The rest of you, move forward and make sure this is secure. Keep the MOA’s here.” [/i] their Leader said, the five walking out into the hallway ahead of the main throne room...if you could call it one.
The five Crewman walked out into the desolate hallway, some big TIE fighter that had crashed during the battle in the middle, dead clone troopers and Stormtroopers surrounding the Crewman.
They wouldn’t expect a surprise attack.
[spoiler]Open. Consider this an intro to something in a few months...[/spoiler]
It then specifically pointed it’s way toward the Milky Way...although the red arrow arrived a little more faster than the blue arrow. The blue arrow specifically hit Eden Prime and Alliance colonies, and ended up skipping Amoridia all together.
"Why would they only hit certain planets?" Emilia knelt down, examining the key to figure out whether or not there was a way to pick it up without the shock. "Power." Nathaniel simply stated, kneeling down besides Emilia. "Some of these places are far too powerful."
Edited by A Stormy Dio: 12/21/2017 12:30:31 AMIt seemed to stop shocking, but the map continued, marking specific planets. Eden Prime was the third. Before, there was a planet labeled as ‘Rodylia’, then ‘Harmony’. Tatakai was the fifth and main target by the blue arrow. The fourth being a planet labeled as ‘Khar’Shan’. On the other end, the red arrow planned to hit planets like ‘Dekunna’ and ‘Irune’ before hitting Tatakai as it’s third target.
"We need to inform the Alliance." Nathaniel picked the void key up and got to his feet, keeping an eye on the map for any changes as the group made their way to their ship.
The map seemed to only be a probable map. It looked no matter what the Mandalorians did, the Alliance on Eden Prime would be taken out by whatever the blue arrow signified.
Nathaniel thought otherwise. The Mandolorian order was heavily involved with the interests of their home galaxy, the Milky Way would prove no different. As the group boarded onto the shuttle and launched off towards the Alliance post on Takatai, Nathaniel simply sighed. Another dammed war. [spoiler]Timeskip? [/spoiler]
Edited by A Stormy Dio: 12/21/2017 12:42:10 AM“...[i]You can’t stop the inevitable.” [/i] something ringed in both Nate and Emilia’s heads. [spoiler]Timeskip after this.[/spoiler]
"WATCH us." Nathaniel spoke a loud, the ship flying through the sky of Takatai. "You talking to someone?" Books asked, looking between Nathaniel and Emilia. "Shut it, Books." Emilia quickly shot at the Mandolorian, looking at Nate.
[i](At the joint Alliance-Militia Outpost)[/i] The voice form before ringed in their ears once more. [i]”...You truly don’t understand the scale for which your kind will face in the coming months...” [/i]it says.
"I'm not facing anything, Nate. Or voice... I'm packing my bags and heading home." "Oh no you are not, Missy. You are going to fight alongside your father! Which is me..." "I am [i]not[/i] fighting by your side. You're not my father." ,"I'm a version of him! Therefore, your father." "Fuc...." "Language." "I'll go home, gather my forces. You gather your forces here, then we'll see about who isn't ready." The Mandolorian that had been inured earlier was wheeled off to the medical area by the three unnamed Mandos. Leaving Books, Emilia and Nathaniel to walk toward the command center of the outpost. Hopefully, they'd actually be allowed to see the leadership here... If there was any.
Fortunately, they were allowed in.
Emilia, Nathaniel and Books entered the command area where the Galactic map was. Colonel Marker was there, moving the location of specific troops across the map. Along with any of the Alliance people...
There were none. Both Hackett and Anderson were focused on the war effort, while any other representatives were busy with their own issues. Mostly, there was just Troopers...except for one. A Fleet Admiral we’re talking to a couple men there, laughing all the way.
"Uh... Hello?" Nathaniel said a little bit awkwardly, Marker not bothering to look away from his troop movements. "Oh for -blam!- sake, Nathaniel." Emilia strode forward, taking the key from Nate's hand and placing it on the Galactic map. "MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE!" She called, earning a look from Marker.
The Fleet Admiral looked at her. “Yo! We were in the middle of a damn conversation about kicking Cerberus’s butt back on Harmony!” He yelled, standing at the table almost in a lazy way. He was Asian...not sure why I added that in there, to be honest.
Very helpful. "Well I'm sure you can postpone what happen in the past to discuss what will happen in the future. Especially considering your blatant disregard to what happened on Takatai mere months ago involving the Infection and the Imperial Remnant." Emilia shot back heartedly, Marker gasping in mock suprise.
The Fleet Admiral laughed of all things. “Real cute, honey. Did you forget that we were busy making sure the Militia and Pandora weren’t going to die, leaving Cerberus to take out the Alliance?” The Admiral tells Emilia, a smug on his face.
"Did you forget that your place is defend planets that hold your outposts? Your colonies? Does Takatai not house an Alliance outpost? Is Takatai not an essential beach head for both your and the Militia's forces? Is Takatai not one of the most diverse worlds in this dammed galaxy? Where you could acquire and test technology you couldn't even imagine?" Now, Emilia was the one smiling smugly underneath her helmet. "Didn't realize some back water bandit shit hole was more important than a prime hub for potential trading. Especially considering you just worked out an alliance with the New Republic... Imagine if you had let Takatai fall..."
“Well, that’s why they left the defending to the warriors who have technology beyond their control. Hell, there’s a universal Black Market in the Plains that no one even knows about; can’t exactly say I can blame ya. But right now, we’ve stretched our forces thin; you’re lucky that Hackett and Anderson were kind enough to send the 4th Fleet to come and defend you. Hell, why exactly are you complaining about us not defending this planet when you Mandalorians blew up two Death Stars and destroyed the Empire?” The 4th Fleet Leader asked Emilia.
"Oh, I'm not complaining Admiral. Merely stating the facts. We have an enemy coming, I'm not sure when but I know where." Emilia would gesture to the Void key.
He looks at the Void Key. “Arrows...do you even know who the hell these mean?” He asked Emilia.
"Corpus, most likely." Nathaniel stepped in for Emilia now, looking at the admiral. "If you remember correctly, there were multiple factions involved in the war on Takatai two months ago. Corpus had a small hand to play in it."
“Yet why would you’d think they’d invade this godforesaken planet? They’d get dropped harder than someone jumping into one of them Sarlacc Pits I hear about.” The Admiral tells them.
"It's like Ms... I'm sorry what was your name?" Marker spoke up, eyeing Emilia. "Emilia Grey. Daughter of Nathaniel and Sarah Grey." "Okay, what Ms. Grey is saying is that there is a force coming. It seems to understand what our main hub worlds are. Eden Prime, Harmony, Takatai. They are attacking and destroying prime locations that we could use to gather forces to fully counter them. If we lost our homeworlds, our trading worlds, then our morale goes with it. We won't find a war we can't see ourselves winning."
“I remember Tatakai had one of those ‘Void Portal’ thing-a-majics. We found one similar to that on Eden Prime yesterday.” The Admiral told them, pointing to the yellow glowing symbol on both Tatakai and Eden Prime. This meant that this wasn’t a race to take out trading centers... ...this was a race to collect as many Void Portals and Keys as possible.