originally posted in:The New Dojo
"Partly. I live here, but I was born on Earth around, eh... I think it's about 28 years ago. Feels like a fuсkin' eternity though."
Garin's voice was filled with disdain and possibly hatred for the Dojo. He shook his head as he opened the massive wooden gates, paint peeling into his hand. Holding the gate open with his foot, Garin patted his side and inner pocket.
"After you. And yes, I'm checking to see if you stole anything. You can never be sure."
Do I trust Garin? Eh. Should Ginger? No. Just a tip.
[spoiler]he isn't gonna pull anything tho 🅱[/spoiler]
“[b]I’m from Earth too... though likely another timeline.[/b]” Ginger walked through the door, eyeing Garin through peripheral vision the entire time. He still didn’t trust the shifty, quirky man who showed him he way.