originally posted in:The New Dojo
Ginger would hear the sharp staccato of combat boots landing on the ground, then someone yell-
"I'm gay!"
Followed by Garin's head appearing from behind a rock.
“[b]Well... cool?[/b]” Ginger raised his [i]Thesan FR4[/i] fusion rifle at the head, but stopped himself from charging the weapon. Something didn’t seem too dangerous about this guy. “[b]So, uh, you gonna come out from behind that thing bud?[/b]”
Garin stepped out from behind the rock, revealing his full stature- he stood at around 5'11, and he appeared to have put on at least 10 pounds. It's winter, fam. His coat appeared to be thicker, as it was now Kevlar and lined with inserted ceramic plates. His revolver was in it's holster and his sword in it's sheath. His right hand flowed with a faint blue. "As cool as you guys are, we really don't need another one. Guardians, I mean. There're already a few of 'em here."
“[b]Really?... What’s that supposed to mean?[/b]” The last bit was said with some gravitas, timed with the sudden change of his [i]Insurmountable Skullfort[/i]’s color to a threatening crimson, with a more violent pattern playing across its display. Subtly, his grasp tightened around his fusion rifle.
Garin's hand motioned to his revolver. "Dude. If I wanted to kill you, I would have. Or, I would have tried. Fuсk, I hate that line, but it works. Anyways. What I mean is that this place over yonder-" He pointed east, towards a large village and a walled... Dojo, of sorts. I honestly have no fuсking clue what else to call it. "houses literally fuсktons of people, and like, five or six of them are Gaurdians. I can help you get there, if you want." [spoiler]Dew it.[/spoiler]
Ginger eyed him for a moment after Garin’s tirade, still visibly uneasy, but then he loosens his grip on his Fusion Rifle. He didn’t exactly have any other choice but to trust this man at the moment. His helmet still remained in its combat patterns, just in case shit went south. “[b]Yeah,[/b]” he said eventually, “[b]I wouldn’t mind some help getting there.[/b]”
"Alrighty then, c'mere and grab my hand." He stuck out his hand, his palm still glowing with that faint blue color. "You can trust me."
Ginger held out his hand, but immediately withdrew it as small shocks of lightning shot through his forearm, coagulating in his hands. He was still on some adrenaline from the battle, and the shock of appearing here, mixed with his distrust of this stranger, didn't exactly help him. Regardless, he eventually controlled his nerves, and grabbed the man's hand. "[b]You betray me,[/b]" he said deadpan, "[b]And I'll put a burst in your head faster than you can yell for help.[/b]"
"I mean, you could try." He kept his hand out and motioned to Ginger's. "Now hurry up, I don't have all day."
[spoiler]Bruh I said I grabbed his hand already[/spoiler] Ginger had already grabbed his hand, thoughts of headbutting the man's irritable face into oblivion crossing his mind once or twice.
[spoiler]oh[/spoiler] In a flash of blue light, the two arrived at the gates of the Dojo. "Here it is, man. The cesspool of the universe."
“[b]I take it you’re a native then.[/b]” Ginger exchanged a glance at Garin, before looking around at his surroundings.
"Partly. I live here, but I was born on Earth around, eh... I think it's about 28 years ago. Feels like a fuсkin' eternity though." Garin's voice was filled with disdain and possibly hatred for the Dojo. He shook his head as he opened the massive wooden gates, paint peeling into his hand. Holding the gate open with his foot, Garin patted his side and inner pocket. "After you. And yes, I'm checking to see if you stole anything. You can never be sure." Do I trust Garin? Eh. Should Ginger? No. Just a tip. [spoiler]he isn't gonna pull anything tho 🅱[/spoiler]
“[b]I’m from Earth too... though likely another timeline.[/b]” Ginger walked through the door, eyeing Garin through peripheral vision the entire time. He still didn’t trust the shifty, quirky man who showed him he way.