I’m starting to wonder... I played the four hours doing strikes for forging materials. Not one exotic drop.
Timer runs out. Around hour later I get an exotic drop... And it was a duplicate.
So ya, 3oC might be a placebo. I’ve seen no drop increases at all.
Also, I think bright engram XP has been throttled again... Those 4 plus hours of strikes and public missions didn’t flip it once. 🤔
Edited by Naaaail: 12/17/2017 2:22:26 AMIt used to be 80,000 xp for a bright engram. Which is why it was so easy to get them on well rested. They removed the throttling of xp, but in turn changed the xp bar to 160,000...so it’s like nothing changed. It’s just that you always get the same amount of xp now with no nerfs.
Yeah same here. Really weird one dropped for me after the 4 hours ran out on two different occasions
It's still being throttled, just not quite as much. The patch notes spell it out plainly.
[quote]It's still being throttled, just not quite as much. The patch notes spell it out plainly.[/quote] I know what the patch notes say but my experiences since CoO went live tell a different tale. They either throttled XP or made the bar SUPER high. Either way, not quite the best deal for us, so we purchase engrams, and different than what they’ve stated.
Yeah, I mean, we are playing more than before the dlc. The gunsmith now takes a million damn parts to give an engram, which sucks because he's the best chance of Masterworks since he doesn't give out armor. They could have changed the bar. I still get a bunch of bright engrams right after reset, and less at the end of the week.
Witness a piece of trash! - old
They definitely messed something up with xp gains again. Was playing for about 5 hrs yesterday doing strikes, P.E. and random shit and only got 1 bright engram. Started with half full xp bar also. Used to get 2 or 3 level ups in that time span. -