originally posted in:The New Dojo
[spoiler]So... fill me in on a couple things plz.[/spoiler]
*As she weeps and weeps, a figure walks up to the grave as well, placing an oddly warm hand on her shoulder. His gaze filled with empathy for the poor Guardian, he kneels down next to her*
The circle of life. Truly one of the most painful cycles one must put upon those around one. We live to go where fate takes us, do what destiny calls us to do, and eventually, die, and be at peace once more until the Culmination.
*He turns to face her hysterical figure, letting out a deep sigh*
I'm truly sorry for your loss, more still for not being able to do anything to prevent or reverse this.
She looked to the man. She needed help.
Bramd - old
*The man looks back at her with bright, crimson eyes. He then turns to the grave, reading the headstone to himself* Who was he to you? -
She just continued to sob.
Bramd - old
*Thinking words wouldn't do, he kneels next to her, an affirming arm on her shoulders*