originally posted in:The New Dojo
[b][u]Broken Warlock[/u][/b]
[i]Finn's Grave, 00:00[/i]
Sarah sat in front of Finn's Grave. She was sobbing enough tears to drown herself in a small shower.
He had promised he wouldn't leave her side.
He had promised her forever.
She knew the truth. There was no such thing as forever, only constant.
Constant grief. Constant pain. Constant suffering. Constant survival.
Survival. Survival is a curse she would have to bear.
[spoiler]Open. Someone please find her a therapist.[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]So... fill me in on a couple things plz.[/spoiler] *As she weeps and weeps, a figure walks up to the grave as well, placing an oddly warm hand on her shoulder. His gaze filled with empathy for the poor Guardian, he kneels down next to her* The circle of life. Truly one of the most painful cycles one must put upon those around one. We live to go where fate takes us, do what destiny calls us to do, and eventually, die, and be at peace once more until the Culmination. *He turns to face her hysterical figure, letting out a deep sigh* I'm truly sorry for your loss, more still for not being able to do anything to prevent or reverse this. -
She looked to the man. She needed help.
Bramd - old
*The man looks back at her with bright, crimson eyes. He then turns to the grave, reading the headstone to himself* Who was he to you? -
She just continued to sob.
Bramd - old
*Thinking words wouldn't do, he kneels next to her, an affirming arm on her shoulders* -
To Sarah, this was the probably the worst day of her life, as she had to suffer a friend’s death. To Leyia, this was more like watching another casualty of what she called war. An endless stream of people leaving and coming, like almost any other thing. The Awoken Warlock looked somberly at Sarah, walking up to her.
The Warlock's writer laughed at this. Finn... just a friend? Not possible anymore. Finnarah was far beyond the threshold of friendship. This was why it ebbed of Sarah of her happiness. Finn was more, to her.
[spoiler].....[/spoiler] ...although Leyia wouldn’t know that. She herself mostly only had friends; nothing more. She walked and kneeled next to Sarah, looking at his grave with a sad, yet not depressing remark.
She had problems.
“...who was he to you?” She simply asked, looking over at her.
Edited by Splashback77: 12/15/2017 11:50:03 PM"Much more than a friend..." she trailed off.
“The former Warlock sighed, giving Sarah a rub on the back. “Grey, can’t believe I’m saying it...but...I guess I’m sorry. Condolences to you and your...companion, should I say.” She whispers, hugging Sarah.
She hugged back.
Leyia mostly felt a little awkward. It would’ve been nearly 2 years since she had given any type of hug.
The tears fell down the Iron Lady's cheeks.
She mostly placed her head on Sarah’s Head. “He wouldn’t exactly want you to be here, moping about his death. Even though I’m no longer a Guardian, I know that other Guardians carry on their dead.” She says to Sarah.
She was still silent.
“...Not much of a talker anymore, huh Sarah?” Leyia asked, looking toward the grave. “Grey...you need to move on from him. The deed’s done; we can’t bring him back, or we have can, neither of us have any clue how to truly bring him back.” She says.
"I miss him...." she mumbled.
“Yes... I know you do. But right now? Now’s the time to move on. Can’t exactly spend the rest of your life here.” She says.
"She needs help," Lunar concluded. Unbeknownst to them, a Titan had been wandering around the forest and had saw the two Warlocks.
“She needs company. Someone to be around...which is why I’m here. As much as I want to cave her skull in at this moment, it irks me when people get upset that people actually die. As Guardians, especially with you Ghosts around, you almost forget the idea of death.” She explains looking back down to Sarah. “Come; we must get you something to eat.”
She stood up, nodding. Lunar followed. Before they had left, the Titan approached the grave, curious, "Well... this explains a lot."
“It does; it does.” She explains, walking away with Sarah.
"More than I thought it would," the Titan sighed.