Bramd - old
*Mortar quietly watches from the sidelines* Have fun guys! I wanted you to have fun in the snow, but we can't stay here forever! -
[i]the kids were giggling they played in the snow with the others. Jura stopped and wave at him. They were clearly happy for the time being.[/i]
Bramd - old
*Mortar smiles to them, waving to Jura. Off at the side he scoops up a little snow, compacting it into a perfect snowball* Have fun guys! -
"Yeah you too."says jura [i]he can be seen grinning as ihe scoops up a ball of snow. Who he would throw at would be a mystery. [/i]
Bramd - old
*He waits a little, nodding to Jura, waiting for the perfect time, when someone gets too close, and throws it, getting them right in the shoulder, an explosion of snowy chunks coming off of it -
[i]jura giggles as it hit Akiko in the back as she was facing the other way focused on jura and not mortar. As she was on the other the other team she giggled as she ducked the snowball that jura threw at her.[/i]
Bramd - old
*He chuckles when she ducks, only to get hit in the chest by Jura's snowball* Sorry Akiko, didn't see you there! *He lied. Pulling up his mask, he smiles, forming a new snowball* -
"Im gonna get you back mortar."says akiko [i]she giggled a little bit as she made another snowball moving away from the two. Jura is giggling clearly having fun. [/i]
Bramd - old
*Noticing she started making a snowball, he throws his at her as she is still making her own. He keeps his eye on Jura, knowing very well why he's the mischievious one* -
[i]she giggled getting hit in the back as she sees veena up jura with a snowball which she throws giggling as she as it hit mortar in the back.[/i] "I got you!!!"says veena
Bramd - old
*He smiles, making a quick 180 and scooping up a large handful of snow* -
[i]veena laughs more as she distracted as she a big snowball hit talug as he is building by his sister lizzie who is on veena's team.[/i]
Bramd - old
*Mortar quietly aims another snowball at Jura, and throws it, however since it is a less compact snowball it goes out in a fan of snow, landing wet, cold hits on a bunch of people* -
"Lets get em."says veena [i]who clearly had moved to where akiko was standing to be next to her. As she scoops more snow into snowballs hand one to Akiko then threw her's at jura hitting him in the side. [/i]
Bramd - old
*Mortar throws more fan snowballs into the field, peppering everyone with snow despite being a third party, not on either team* -
[i]their all laughing and throwing snowballs at each other. [/i]
Bramd - old
*When the timing is right, Mortar forms a large but soft snowball, and hurls it right at Veena, laughing under his mask. He then makes more balls, and stockpiles them behind a small snow wall he made* -
[spoiler]I have a few characters that might join this. Put Sarah and Mia Grey on one team. Put David on another. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Alright then [/spoiler]