originally posted in:The New Dojo
The man looked out into the blackness of space as he quietly pondered his thoughts. His memories. All in the quiet air of the empty room. He thought back to that day. That last, and final day that he had ever really lived.
"You know," the girl said, smiling as she looked up at the afternoon sky, "I've been thinking about... you know... everything. Everything that we've been through. And I just-"
"Stop," the boy said, nineteen, about the same age as her, "I already know what you're going to say. You don't have to be ashamed of [i]anything[/i]. Okay?"
She turned her head toward him, her green-blue eyes almost... what was it? Dreamlike? He couldn't remember. She let out a sigh of relief, and rested her head on his shoulder. They looked off of the high cliff, looking at the expansive grasslands and their bright colors. An amalgam of bizarre and bright colors that made it gleam with vibrancy and light. Orange, red, purple. Anything that would be considered foreign to that of Earth.
"It's funny. I always thought that none of this was going to be possible. Yet, here we are. I almost can't-" she paused, hearing a strange sound as a shadow began to fill the valley. A massive starship, foreign looking in his memory as he could not exactly remember it's appearance, emerged from the sky.
"What the -blam!- is that?" she said, fear in her voice.
"I don't know. We need to get back as soon as-" he was cut off be the emergence of dozens of smaller ships, varying in size. They fired upon the city they had had their backs to before, leaving it burning and in ruins as time would progress.
The two looked at each other in silence, equal fear in their eyes, as they tried to figure out what they were to do. That would be decided for them, however, as an explosion rang out and knocked the two off of their feet. It was a mix of ringing and disorder then, as something landed on the ground near them. The sound of an engine dying down could be heard as the smoke suffocated him, and strange, almost metallic creatures would be seen exiting the strange craft. He was now being... lifted by them. Just then he heard a scream.
"Help! Please! Help me!" the girl said, kicking and screaming, with her hair in a tangled mess. "Let go of me!"
The beings grabbed her and pulled her into the ship, and the boy screamed after her. Another one approached him, the memory of his metallic face seemingly faded from memory. It merely now seemed like a practically demonic blob.
"What should we do with him sir?" one of them said, a raspy metallic voice coming from where his mouth might have been.
"Take him," the one in front of him responded, his voice much deeper. "He seems to have some sort of... usefulness. The queen wants him alive."
And that was the last thing he remembered.
"Sir? Sir!" someone beside him said, jerking the General away from his thoughts.
"Yes?" he replied, "What is it?"
"Sir. We just had a ship without a scheduled flight depart from Hanger 14. Seventeen total casualties."
"Drake." the General said, his face boiling with anger. "Follow him. I don't care if he has to die because of this, just find him. NOW!"
"Yes sir." the low-ranking officer said meekly, as the General stormed out of the room.
He arrived a few minutes later in the central containment room, where the assassin that had taken the name "Caroline" was being held on a giant metal contraption. It was complicated, and there wouldn't really be enough time to quite describe it in its entirety.
"What the -blam!- do you want?" she said, fury in her eyes as she spat at the ground.
The General smiled.
"I've come to tell you that your little boyfriend isn't coming for you, Caroline. Drake just left in one of our ships a few moments ago."
Her face went slack. "You're lying."
"I'm afraid I'm not, my dear." he said, slowly walking around the control room and making expressions/gestures so that she could clearly see his intent. "Of all the things I have lied to you about, this is not one of them. I'm sorry that things weren't different. Well who am I kidding? I'm not sorry. Drake is merely another bandit scumbag living like parasites on our planets and taking them as their own."
She wanted to scream. She wanted to yell at him and say that all of this was complete bullshit. But she couldn't. She could only find the urge to cry.
And then suddenly things began to change.
There was a sound, maybe some sort of explosion, and the entire ship went into lockdown. Something was wrong.
[i]Listen closely, [/i]a familiar female voice, possibly hers, said in her mind, [i]You're going to get out of her. When the machine deactivates, run. Run as fast as you can. Don't bother with anything else. Just run. A ship will be waiting in Hanger 12.[/i]
She didn't know what this voice was, or what it wanted, but it was her best shot. The machine disengaged, and the path out of there was open. All she had to do was run.
[url=http://example.com]Dojo Woods, Sometime Later[/url]
A Frontier ship flew through the sky, operable yet damaged. It made quite a spectacular landing as it crashed into the trees, and eventually settled. A lone pilot emerged from the wreckage, not as hurt as last time, and started to shout.
"-blam!-!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, sadness and anger overtaking her. She repeated the phrase, and soon collapsed at the base of a nearby tree. The only thing she had the energy to do was to merely sob. Not once had anyone had been truly kind to her... except for whatever that strange voice was, and it didn't seem they would show up anytime soon.
[spoiler]Open to everyone. Comment in how you feel is appropriate[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
*Even though she was probably terrified, and sad and overwhelmed by what had happened, it doesn't help that the woods around her rustles just a little bit, then a little bit more. As if a lot of beings are slowly advancing, up until the clearing made by the ship. No one is visible but their presence is clearly felt. A voice is heard over them. A calm but stern female voice.* Hands in the air; you are outnumbered and outgunned. Toss any weapons you own behind you and we will not harm you. -
"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" She cried, yelling out to the voice. "WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE WANT FROM ME?!" She wouldn't go back, or worse, directly into the hands of an organization she knew nothing about. "LEAVE ME ALONE!"
Bramd - old
*The voice replies, in a slightly less commanding voice* We want nothing of you, but you are unauthorized and in Exiled territory. These are just precautions, I'm sure you understand. *They all stay hidden, awaiting her next move* -
A ship would quickly fly overhead and survey the area. It was painted black, with an emblem containing a circle with an arrow through the middle. As it flew over, it would seemingly sight her and slowly touched down. As the entrance ramp fell down from the rear, a goat-girl would quickly hop out carrying a trauma kit, waving Caroline down, her paws making a crunching noise on the leaves and dead grass. "Hey! You okay!" She said, frantically
The sobbing calmed, and she looked over towards Alpha with a partial smile. "Hey. You again." she said, partially dazed, as he breathed in the crisp, cold air of the day. "I'm... I don't know anymore. Not physically hurt. At least, not that-" she grimaced "-badly. Dammit."
"Are you okay?" Alpha asked, rushing over "Lay down." She commanded, getting some gear out "I can't fix you up like this."
She obeyed, exiting her exosuit and laying her body down on the ground. Her "biological" left arm seemed to be dislocated (or possibly broken) and her left leg had a large, deep gash across it. If it weren't for her suit, she would probably be dead.
Alpha lightly grabbed Caroline's arm "This is gonna hurt for a bit. Make a fist with your hand on this arm." She commanded, summoning all of her knowledge on how to repair the arm "The break can be fixed later, but we need to set it back in the joint now."
"I've had to do this a few times before. I know it hurts," she said, obeying and making a fist, "Thank god for cybernetics though."
Alpha would quickly shove the arm back, the tension in the muscles holding the bones together as she popped Caroline's arm back into socket. "What the hell happened?"
[i]The crash had been witnessed by an individual who hadn’t bargained for that much in going out on a measly walk. The young woman had figured that she’d get more snow and cold, and she did, but in seeing the ship crash, she had something to investigate. Taking her rifle from her back, she headed out of the little clearing she’d been walking in and went deeper into the woods, moving towards the burning wreckage. It cast quite the contrast with the white snow around the crash site, the fire and scorched earth. The approaching woman had heard the survivor of the crash’s cries, and slowly, she made her way through the undergrowth to investigate, trying to keep out of sight in case something was amiss.[/i]
The woman just sat there, sobbing. Eventually, however, she had begun to [i]slightly[/i] calm down. "I should have never trusted that... asshole." she muttered, breathing heavily. She looked up, at the sky, taking in the crisp, cold air that she enjoyed so much.
[i]The other woman crept out from the brush, slinging her rifle back across her back and approaching the crying individual slowly.[/i] “Hey... Hey... are you alright?” [i]She called out, boots crunching in the snow as she walked to the woman leaning against the tree. The newcomer looked to not be so fond of the weather, wearing a black field jacket, jeans, and a pair of cowboy boots. A lever-action rifle was slung across her back, a pistol at her hip. Her cheeks and nose were rosy from the cold, her hair back in a ponytail.[/i] “Little cold to be sitting alone out here...”
"What the hell?!" [url=https://fireemblem.gamepress.gg/sites/fireemblem/files/styles/300h/public/2017-11/Dorcas.png?itok=Ic6-cUSp]The man[/url] who noticed the pilot was at the moment, was chopping lumber for the tavern, and was then rudely interrupted by a massive flaming ship bursting out of the sky and into perfectly good firewood. He was tall, three inches over six feet, and had the muscle mass to match. He held a large axe in his hand, double and thick blades, and with a short handle. It was too short of a handle to be reliably two handed, but could be easily wielded in one hand. Other than that, a large sack of wood was flung over his shoulder. Upon seeing the ship, he dropped the bag with a silent reminder to apologize to his wife, and ran axe in hand towards the wreckage. Not seeing the girl, he chose to run towards the ship, thinking the pilot was still inside. Quickly finding out there was no one there, he began looking around perhaps for a grim sight of a flung body- or a more hopeful situation.
There was nothing. Nothing inside anyway. If he were listening closely, he could hear the sounds of someone sobbing. It was better than the alternative, supposedly. Now. He could either have a quick look around or head towards what could be the pilot...
Hearing the cries, Dale began to frantically search for the maker of the sounds, hoping to find someone crying out of sadness rather than pain. Upon seeing the pilot, he rushed over to the woman, placing his axe upon his hip, and approaching her slowly. Just incase- never knew with the random people falling out of the sky. "Hey... Hey you alright?" His voice was low, almost a whisper, but loud enough to get her attention. His voice was rather deep and calm- a listener might fall asleep if they were tired.
She suddenly blinked, looking up towards the man. Tears were still running out of her face, but they seemed to have calmed with the arrival of another. "I'm... okay," she lied, "Just... a little hurt. That's all."
"Little hurt? You must be though we than me! I wouldn't be a 'little' hurt after that kindof crash. 'Ere, stand up lass." The man offered his large hand, it was rough and dirty- but it was an offer. He placed the axe in his other hand at his hip, not to frighten her.
She took it, barely able to stand. Her left leg wasn't steady, but her exosuit managed to get her fully up. "To be honest," she said, almost dizzily, "I'm more than 'A little hurt.' Do you happen to have any medical expertise? Or know someone who does?"
[spoiler]... Oops. I totally thought that I replied to your previous thing. It probably didn’t go through, cause my connection’s iffy sometimes. Anyways, I’m cool with this. Sorry for not actually replying to your earlier thing, but I’ll have Drake show up again sometime in the future. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Alrighty. This actually was kind of preferred, as it let me establish a few things that I might not have been able to otherwise.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Do you want me to make a post for them?[/spoiler]