We players and the community knows that the endgame of D2 isn't for everyone and Bungie knows that the biggest groups of casuals, pvp players and pve players want to be satisfied until the next big DLC comes up. On the paper is it really easy to fix but the capacity maybe makes it not possible for bungie.
So what do I suggest as a solution? Easy, let us first look on the parts of the player community which isn't happy with the current state of D2:
-PvE Hardcore players
-PvP Hardcore players
-And some thousand of casual players
So, what want Bungie (in the first case) to make it for everyone? Enjoyable content. But that doesn't need to be with story bounded loot or something in that way. It would be really easy to keep the playerbase satisfied for some time. Bungie just should do it like some real MMO's does (and Warframe). And this way would be:
Every 2-3 months a for free update (which could be payed together with the last dlc release) which contains:
- 1 new raid part (not really need to be a entire raid) with an armor set for each class and some weapons for the hardcore pve playerbase
- 1 or 2 new strikes with strike specific loot for the casual players (and possible hardcore pve players)
- 1 or 2 new crucible maps with some weapons which can only be found in crucible match rewards for the crucible hardcore players.
Basically, what I try to say, is: Bungie should start to make some regular gameplay updates with low story content and some gameplay content for free on longer periods, to keep the varity, and should make the story and big gameplay changes in year DLC's (like the TTK) every summer (for example summer 2018).
I garantue you, if Bungie would do this in that way ,how I described, we, the community, would be much happier than now and wouldn't have a problem to wait for DLC's.
"Easy every few months one new raid and couple strikes. Ez" My god you guys have no concept whatsoever of what developing a game entails.