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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
Edited by BOSSBOOY: 12/11/2017 11:56:22 AM


1. [u]COULD OSIRIS AND THE EXO STRANGER BE HEAVILY CONNECTED?[/u] At the end of the campaign, we talk to Osiris in person alongside Ikora and of course his ghost, Sagira. As they walk away from our conversation, Osiris jokingly calls her "LITTLE LIGHT". Sound familiar? Destiny fans will recognize that from it being what the Exo Stranger called our ghost in tge Ishtar Academy on Venus. Could it be that Osiris and the stranger know each other? They are both well known time and space travelers. Or could it be that the Exo Stranger is a reincarnation of Sagira from the future carrying on her dead masters legacy? 2. [u]WHY ARE THE HIVE IN OUR SYSTEM PRE-COLLAPSE?[/u] During the adventure "A Glitch in the System" we are on a pre-vex controlled Mercury. A time when the Vex had just arrived and started to take over the planet. Also a time before humanity's collapse after the Golden Age. This takes place long before Hive set foot on our moon or the darkness approaches us. In this adventure we are trying to sabotage a vex installation while also protecting it from the invading HIVE. but why are the Hive in our system. It makes sense for the Vex to be there before darkness falls because the aren't allied with it as Osiris says. They are their own evil. But then why are the Hive there? They were believed to be allied with the darkness. Why sabotage the Vex? And how are they in our system long before we ever detected them? Might this hint at our collapse or even the location of their homeworld? 3. [u]SAINT-14 MAY CURRENTLY BE ALIVE[/u] The last thing is something all the more fans are already talking about: the body of Saint-14 in the adventure "The Up and Up". We travel to a simulation of the future where the entire planet is nothing but darkness and vex (...and a few fallen for some reason.) In an altar-like room behind a locked vex door, we can see through a little hole that there's a body floating above the ground. The body of a guardian. We know this because of the shreds of light emitting from the ground. Alongside that, the wrapped body seems to have ribbons flowing off him just like the ship "Saint-14s Clay Pidgeon". Perhaps it was built by Osiris to commemorate a lost comrade. But what people seem to over look is that this simulation takes place in the future. It's completely plausible that Saint-14 is alive and lost in time like Osiris in our current timeline. We may even find some trace of him in our coming quest to claim his lost shotgun... You guys have anything to add to any of this? Upvote and comment below. Edit: As far as I know, the adventures in the Infinite Forest were simulations of events in different EXISTING timelines. The vex recreate these scenarios to either learn more about the enemy, or find out what the outcome would be if they handled things way differently so they know how to act when they go back and create a new timeline by going back to "choose the red pill instead of the blue". So in a certain timeline's future, Saint-14 is buried in a vex altar and in some past, the Hive invade a reforming Mercury Edit: no, I don't know TOO much about the vex/hive origins :(

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  • I had the same idea about the "little light" comment as well, however Bungie said that the Exo Stranger was officially cut from the story, so I think that just might be a throw away joke.

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    • i don't particularly remember the "Bug in the system" adventure, but i think those Hive were a simulation, they weren't actually there. also, the Hive should've been the first "Agents of Darkness" to arrive in our solar system, so that might explain why they're on mercury.

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    • 1 Very loose. 2 Its a simulation of the past. Its not even anything that necessarily happened. The Hive are being simulated, its not as if they were on Mercury at one point. 3 Possible, but I think unlikely. We have his armor, I think that suggests that he is dead.

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    • In regards to vex hive connection: crota opened the dimension (accidentally) that brought the vex into our time and space- the hive were almost defeated by the vex until Oryx intervened (best of my recollection- it's in the book of sorrows)

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    • Boom here’s a video of inside of the saint 14 crypt on mercury

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      • The Vex don't want light or darkness. The hive have the deepest symbiosis WITH the darkness.

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          2. The hive were not on Mercury or in our system at that time since vex first appeared pre-collapse, second the vex are simulating the hive, Osiris speaks at the start telling us about hive mutations, and this adventure can also take place in the future where hive are also there. Third the “boss” of this adventure is basically a simulated ogre hence the name “hive ogre proxy”

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        • The lore tab of his shotgun “Perfect paradox” actually seems to address us as his inspiration and the person who originally made his shotgun and gave it to him, and now he gives us a shotgun, made by us, that we never forged, and are one day destined to give to him, a perfect paradox indeed. But it also suggests that there WILL be more about Saint-14 in the future and we may infact personally meet him.

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          • Edited by MattDaddyKane: 12/11/2017 9:02:06 AM
            So Sagira is The Exo Stranger??? Or perhaps a vex guardian created by Osiris?

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            • Edited by Disciple4Christ4: 12/10/2017 5:38:14 PM
              1) There could be a connection and there could not. There's almost no evidence to support this. 2) You obviously don't know about the vex and hive origins. 3) Saint-14 is dead in the present :(

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              • IT’S SPINFOIL HAT TIME BABY!

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              • I’ll just make a clarification. There isn’t any actual time travel or alternate realities. They are just simulations. The whole time traveling/alternate realities has been shown to just be an extremely advanced simulation computer. They can travel across space and pull things out of their sims. The critical component to explain this is that we can take things made [i]in[/i] the simulations our and they are real and tangible. How? The power of throne worlds. This comes from D1 lore, the Book of Sorrows. That explains the Exo Stranger, in general, and specifically her dialogue about the [i]others[/i] she’s tried to help who failed and fell to Darkness. They could tie in the Exo Stranger with Osiris. Having met in the simulations and helping each other. A huge opportunity missed in Curse.

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                • I actually predicted this before the DLC dropped! My jaw dropped when he said to Sagira little light.

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                • 1. The fist Destiny draft had the stranger as Osiris' servant or apprentice, can't remember. 2. The hive were already on the solar system way before, D1 explains it. The only ones that serve the darkness are the hive, the other races had their own agendas. 3. The up and up is a simulation, we may never get answers to any mistery.

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                • Now that most of us,  that play for a couple hours at a time, have now probably hit max light on all three characters, I have an idea...  So, after looking at the forge, I got to talking with my buddy after grinding some forge weapons.  It kind of spawned on me as I was brainstorming about what endgame we're looking at.  The concept would be that after completing the forge, things start to become eery in the lighthouse. Brother Vance lights up, ad you approach him to talk... Which spawns this interesting cutscene. In this scene, brother Vance goes on about how the lost Prophecy has become complete. Reality begins to altar, his voice changes as he is talking, and the simulation veil drops... If you've seen Rick and morty, it'd be like that. We think we've been talking to brother Vance, conveniently stationed around a shit ton of enemies untouched. But in reality it's just a big simulation. Pnoptes forms out of brother vances body and images flash showing us the truth. Osiris' body is the one floating on the mission 'Up and up'. We've been tricked into farming materials for the Vex into creating some type of weapon. And we have to fight through wave after wave.. Let's say five hahaha.  After possibly beating these waves, Bungie can either make it to wear Pnoptes gets away Orr we defeat him. Either way there's your exotic quest, and interesting plot twist.  I know there are some genius people hear, because I've read into your deep theories and have always wanted then to be true.. I'm still holding out for Bungie for some reason tho...  Hope everybody could at least this short story and build upon it. Thanks for reading  Always there for a guardian  MOTOBU_MSFT  I wrote this on another post but here's a theory

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                • A few problems with/comments about your theories. 1. The Exo Stranger said that she wasn't of the Light. It's more likely that she's just an Exo that isn't a Guardian. She's most likely related to Osiris somehow within the current story of the game, but it remains to be seen if that's a current association or a future one. 2. It's mentioned during a Moon mission in vanilla Destiny that the Hive have been seeding the Earth for a long time. Entirely possible this started pre-Collapse. Also, the Hive and Vex have a preexisting conflict ever since Crota opened a rift in the Ascendant Realm and encountered the Vex. It's also probable that the Hive are aware of the Vex's activities because of Quria, the Vex Mind that was Taken and is likely subservient to Savathun at this point. 3. It's stated in the lore tab of Saint-14's shotgun, Perfect Paradox, that he's been drained of Light by a Vex mind. This lore also indicates that we made this shotgun out of bits of scrap and Light inside the Infinite Forest and we gave it to him and he wants to give it back to us. I think you're right about us meeting Saint-14, but it'll be in future content when we eventually time travel to the past (not the simulated past, the actual past).

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                  • I just really want to know more about the eco stranger. It sucks that they ended her storyline. I’m hoping they either bring her back or talk about her in any of the upcoming games or expansions.

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                  • I’d be surprised if there isn’t time gated quests regarding saint 14

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                  • For theory number 2, that adventure where we’re defending the Vex crap from the hive is simply just a simulation.

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                  • One of the old grimoire cards is a about Rasputin talking to the Exo Stranger so she'll probably come back in the next expansion.

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                    • <The Hive are there because it's good to keep the Precursor Vex in the know about the oncoming threats, there was also a possibility of the Hive invading the entire system, but that never happened... but it's always good to prepare.>

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