So I just completed a strike with my fireteam and right after I kill the boss and loot the chest I see a slew of tokens followed by a legendary then BAM!!! Exotic and like much of you guys I get a little excited because I know bungie brought back the jade rabbit. So naturally I inspect the engram and I don't see it. That's when I wait approx. 5 minutes for it to refresh. I go back and inspect it again and that's when I see the beauty. I hover over the weapon icon and what do i see? It states that I already have it in my collection. "LIES!!!" I say, so I go and check the vault and take a quick glance at my exotics and I don't see it anywhere. I've taken both screenshots of not only what I saw in the engram but also of my collection on my ps4 and then head over to the cryptarch to decrypt it. That's when Rahools devious self slaps me with ACD/0 Feedback Fence. I have never been so cheated in my life. I'm am honestly pissed. Bungie, fix the problem or give me the gun you definitely showed that I had. I'm not looking for a hand out but don't lie to your players.
Edited by CindyLouWhoOH: 12/10/2017 11:31:02 PM