originally posted in:The New Dojo
Cain would look around the camp one more time, as he he was sizing it up.
“Yes, I’ll manage.” He answered. “Tell me where you’ll need me.”
"You aren't just hired on the spot pal. Besides, I'm not the boss. Then again, I'm pretty sure Plate's around here somewhere..." [b][i]She said, looking around for someone, though it seeming to see him[/i][/b]
“Plate? That’s an...interesting name.” Cain would comment as he looked around as well, even though he had no idea what he was looking for.
"Nickname a good few of us have for him. Long story short, someone tried to kill him, threw him out of a building and nearly killed him, and they had to put a shit load of metal plates in his head to hold his skull together."
“I...how would they fit plates in his head?” Cain asked, confused. “Were they small plates? Like...appetizer dishes?”