originally posted in:The New Dojo
"Don't forget about me!"
Dale reared his arm back, supporting himself in a sitting position. He quickly released his axe, spinning it side ways at her legs, so that it would cut off one with enough of its force. Using the sand screen once more, he reloaded his SMG and aimed it at the spot where the woman was, incase she was not hit.
"How could I, sir?" [i]Victoria would respond through barred teeth, before she would suddenly swing upwards with her gladius. The result, as the blade met the axehead, would cleave the thing into two, the bladed portion skidding off to the side alongside the hilt.[/i] [i]Victoria merely brought her Bolt Pistol up again, remembering.. thirteen more shots, she believed. She waited on Dale to engage shooting, so that she could tell where he was.[/i]
What Vic didn't know, was the axe, the legendary Wolfberg, was invulnerable. As Victoria brought the blade up, Dale changed the axe to its top weight- the weight of two battle tanks, before the Gladius smacked it. With the added weight, it would not be steered by the blade, and with its head aimed directly at Vic's legs, crashed into them with such force that it would crumple the armor- and possibly take off her legs.
The axe was quickly split in two- and Dale spat out a curse. Considering it was his only viable weapon other than his fists, he needed it, badly. So there was only one thing to do. He called the axe back. Just because it was in two pieces did not mean it lost its powers. The axe parts came screaming back at Vic's legs just before they hit the ground behind her, with an equal force. However, Dale decided that wasn't enough, and took off his left gauntlet off, chucking it as he did the axe.
[i]Victoria would cry out as she fell to the ground, bringing her head down as the gauntlet flew above her. Victoria would fire off two more rounds, towards Dale's chest. She needed this to hit.[/i]
Dale raised his gauntlet too late, the bullets embedding themselves into the armor and almost into his chest. However, Dale still had a trick up his sleeve! His skin became tighter and harder in an instant, imagining the armor of his opponent. In seconds, his skin and bone had become Vic's armor's level of physical resistance, but twice over. It would stop the bullets from entering his chest, but he was still blown backwards, nearly into the water as the axe parts returned to his hand. His chest was a mess, burnt and shriveled, steaming with smoke and smelling of charred flesh. Dale bit his tongue, turning his now reloaded SMG to where Vic was on the ground.