originally posted in:The New Dojo
"If those things could crush cars and fire explosives." [b][i]He said laughing a bit.[/i][/b] "Cmon, I'll let you get an up close look at a golem if ya want."
"Oooh! Can I ride it too?!" He said, jokingly with a laugh. "Sure, man. Thanks."
"No problem. And unfortunately, you can't operate the golem. Takes a good deal of time to create the mental link, and it's one per golem." [b][i]He said as he began to walk, waving Bedlam over. A few of the others, including the man he fought, would join them. The green skinned man spoke[/i][/b] "Well, 'nless you're Legion."
"Legion?" Bedlam followed Tyvos, closely. "Sounds important."
"Hes a damn nut job." [b][i]Another one of the men would say, sounding like he was from Boston. Ty would walk backwards, speaking to Bedlam.[/i][/b] "Dudes actually crazy, multiple personality disorder. None of them seem overly dangerous to other soldiers though. And where most soldiers can only connect to one golem, he can operate an entire squad y himself. Eight golem controlled by one man. I've seen them operate. Scary crap. Plus he doesn't get effected by Lashback either."
"Lashback? Goddamn this whole thing is turning into a vocab lesson..." Bedlam groaned in annoyance. "What's Lashback? Getting tired from using golems?"
[b][i]Ty laughed a bit.[/i][/b] "Nah mate. When someone shatters a piece of a golem, say the arm for example, the pilot feels a good deal of what that'd be like. Think of it as magical kickback, except way worse. Now, you usually keep a healer on standby with each squad to make sure they can be stabilized and saved, but sometimes they end up either losing the part or it's too much for them and, well, you get the picture there."
He nodded. "Yeah, I get it. I'd see how that's a huge advantage of his."
"Yep. All of us have been hit with it before and we know it hurts like a bïtch. Green bean over there's even had it in the head, knocked him out for 3 weeks, they didn't think he'd recover." [b][i]Ty said, gesturing to the man he fought. The green skinned one spoke again.[/i][/b] "Damn well missed my two weeks of leave cause of that."
"You lose your leave? You guys have pretty sh*tty conditions here then. If anything it should've been paid leave..." Bedlam sighed. "Not any of my business though."
"No, we get paid leave. I was in recovery during that time though. I was quite literally knocked out." [b][i]The green skinned man said, more matter of factly than anything.[/i][/b] [b][i]Ty would chime in again.[/i][/b] "Honestly, conditions are pretty good. Paid leave, free medical and dental, the works."
"Hmm..." He shrugged, continuing to follow. "What do you guys do for fun besides fighting?"
"Depends on the person really." [b][i]The third man would say, the Boston sounding one. It was a human, his skin lighter and his hair blonde.[/i][/b] "Munch over hear does what he always does: eat. Whether it's eating a diner out of business or one of the locals depends." [b][i]He said teasingly.[/i][/b] "Shut up, why'd I waste time when I could be tearing good food." [b][i]Ty would respond.[/i][/b] "Real talk, like I said, most of us are adrenaline junkies. Off leave, we'll screw around throwing knives, running drills or modifying our golem like slot of the other soldiers round here. Don't think they make themselves looks so nice, do you?" [b][i]He said. A metal golem looking like a crusader passed by, highly detailed[/i][/b]
"I didn't actually notice how much you customize them...huh. Must suck if the whole golem gets blown to sh*t and all your work is f*cked over."
"It's not too hard to get it back if you aren't stupid." [b][i]The blond would say.[/i][/b] "Measure out the golem with some wax paper, trace the designs on their first, then work it all in. Rarely ever a whole golem that's destroyed either, so usually most of the work is retrievable."
"Ah! Yeah, that makes it better." He gazed around sighing. "....I get bored too easily."
"Don't worry, my squad's tent is right here. Golem is just behind." [b][i]He said. He lead them around the tent, and thee stood the golem. Jt was a wood one, though the inside was lined by stone. The design looked demonic, a shark-face grin on it, smiling like a madman, the body having holes carved into it and designed to look very humanoid. The amount of detail was astounding.[/i][/b] "There she is."