originally posted in:The New Dojo
[b][i]Even if he hadn't felt moved over to her he would carry himself over to her, spear in hand and electricity crackling on his body. Sights of the battlefield flashed before both of them: spears piercing chests, electricity cutting down enemy soldiers. The one thing neither saw in the memories though was guilt for what he had done. As he approached, he only gripped his spear and spoke.[/i][/b]
"I have done no wrong. What I have done was to protect."
“To protect? Say that to the people you killed. The husbands and wives you widowed, the children you orphaned. Your actions have consequences, Leon. Ones you will feel until the end of your life.” [b]She put her hands upon his face, and they began to burn. He felt every single little bit of wrong he ever did to anyone. Every stab, punch, and fry. Everything. Any pain tolerance he’d built up melted away, he felt it all raw.[/b]
[b][i]Leon too espion fall to the ground in pain. What he felt would usually kill a man outright with the lives he had taken, the things he had done. He managed to choke out words though as he suffered.[/i][/b] "They wanted... to kill innocent people... the people I killed... were to stop them.... from harming the innocent. I did something wrong to prevent many more from suffering."
“You didn’t have to kill anyone. You could’ve kneecapped them. Knocked them out. But no, you in your shortsightedness murdered them in cold blood. Nothing is black and white, Leon. They had their reasons as much as you have yours. So you have no room to speak about them being terrible. You’re just as bad as them.”
"If I knocked them out, they would come back to do harm. If I harmed them to the extend to where they weren't a threat, I'd be leaving them to live a life of suffering. I kneecap a man, and he never walks again. I ended them swiftly, I made sure they suffered as little as possible." [b][i]He would say, even though the pain the tone in his voice made it clear he believed what he said.[/i][/b] "And who are you to choose what is right or wrong? Tell me this, if I shoot a man in self defence, who is right and wrong?"
“There is a difference between having an opportunity to not take one’s life and defending yourself. As a wise author once said, courage is not knowing when to take a life, rather when to spare one. You could have knocked those men out, taken them to custody. But no. You killed them for no other reason than that your side said so. Those men were following the same order as you. I am one made to judge and make people atone, so you will atone.” [b]Doubt was apparent in her voice, but not enough to make her stop.[/b] “You will feel everything you have done wrong. Every. Last. Bit.”
"I killed them because they would've done the same to me, I defended myself from them. If you cannot even answer a simple question such as that one, How can you be fit to pass judgement. Let me ask you another question then. If I kill a serial murderer, am I right for stopping more from dying, or am I wrong for taking a life?" [b][i]He said, relating his question back to his supposed sins. It was true, his opponents wouldn't have hesitated to kill him on the battlefield, or those who were his friends. [/i][/b]
“You killed a man in cold blood. You are no better than the murderer in the situation. Thus, you will be judged as they would. I am fit to pass judgement because I was deemed so when I was created. My only goal is to make others atone. I do not care what they did, or their reasoning, just that they did it. So they must pay for what they have done. That is my only purpose.”
"But there's more to right and wrong that simply what they did. I killed people to protect my family and the people who live in my country, to be a defender. Is it not right to protect people?"
“It is not right to kill a man for a goal that can be reached without violence. The two sides were simply too stubborn to accept each-other. It’s how all wars all. They probably thought the same thing as you cut them down.”
"Then we have both commuted wrongs for the right reason. Then punish every soldier that fought to defend their country, punish any SWAT member who killed a criminal and left their families to suffer. You try to tell me you don't see things as black and white, yet you only judge in what someone did, with no idea for their reasoning or the context."
“Self-defense is a different reason. You aren’t seeing what I’m saying. I am saying that murder is murder, no matter the context. And you have murdered many by the will of your leadership. You followed their orders without a second thought, just because you thought the other side was wrong. You are no better than any other murderer, and will be treated as such.” [b]The pain began to intensify tenfold, crawling up like a thousand hot needles.[/b]