originally posted in:The New Dojo
"Oh my!"
[i]The teen girl backed away from the wall.[/i]
"Didn't expect that!"
[i]She then looks around for a face.[/i]
"Is this going to be like Star Wars with the eyeball thing?"
“Errr. No.” The voice would say, as a massive red samurai warrior took a step away from the wall and walked to the path.
"Darn. No tentacle hentai for several months at least." [i]Then she finally notices who was speaking.[/i] "Aha! A samurai! Cool!" [i]She runs over to look at him.[/i] "Your armor is awesome!"
“....Thank you. I take a lot of time out of my day to ensure it’s in shape.” He informed her. “But my armor aside, what brings you here girl? You are aware this stronghold is for those who prove themselves worthy of being capable warriors, do you not?”
"Well, the thing is..." [i]She shuffles a bit, then frowns.[/i] "People are odd. Bet had people who fought because their shards made them seek conflict, so their nature was changed. I want to see people who fight because they can, not because they were made to wish to." [i]Her eyes cross behind her sunglasses, a normally unnoticed event, but thanks to the samurai's height, he can see over them.[/i] "Or at least that's the closest I can put it into English."
“What is this about “shards?”’ The Samurai would Reply in question.
"Exactly that. Shards of a massive Entity. Like a farmer it plants its shards, waits for the crop to grow, then harvests its shards for another cycle." [i]Her blank gaze focuses on the samurai.[/i] "The metaphor is obvious, yes?"