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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
12/3/2017 12:28:37 AM
[b][u]Jen VS Wehb[/u][/b] The second bracket fight Would begin as Amanda appeared in the arena, with Jason spawning at the opposite end. They stood in the becoming familiar empty simulation arena. The slot machine would role again, and it show an image of what looked to be a concrete building. Suddenly, massive walls propped up around the two, and long shelves that stretched two miles long rose from the ground, packed with crates which made the two look like they were in an allyway and the walls were made of the boxes which stretched up two stories. The two would see a large screen projected the arena for them, and they both saw that there were four of these rows of boxes in the rectangular shaped ware house. The lighting was dim, as every twenty feet there would be a single light to illuminate the building. The screen dissipated into smoke, and the two realized... Everything in this place could be destructible. Haakon would then speak. “SECOND BRACKET FIGHTERS! YOU MAY COMMENCE THE BLOODSHED...NOW!” [spoiler] This segment is THREE DAYS LONG. -Follow ALL official dojo guidelines -Keep the beef you may develop with your foe to PM’s or contact one of the referees. -What a ref say’s goes. We aren’t participating in the tourney so you guys can have fun. Please respect that. -You are allowed 5 weapons in a fight which includes offensive weapons(EG:Grenades, mines etc). You can switch your load out between fights but not during. -The max caliber of bullet permitted is the .50cal BMG. -Be courteous and respect your foe. They are skilled fighters just like you. Never assume your attack lands unless it would hit no matter what, and take damage reasonably. Good fights are rewarded at the end of the tourney. -Death to your foe is decided by your foe. When your opponent has submitted, CLEARLY SUBMITTED(they will make a spoiler stating their submission or have dialogue stating it), you may perform a fantastical fatality. -Reply maximum is 60. In order to get things going the odd man out fights(the ones that hold the schedule back) will be shortened to 50. -Have fun![/spoiler]

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  • The fire surrounding it burned nearly as hot, and the blade itself absorbed the rest of the heat. She kept going, not even slacking as she stood to her full height now, spinning again with the blade as she swung it at him once more.

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  • [spoiler]I may be stupid but what the -blam!- happened [/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]she rushed forward again, rotating once with the sword, then again[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Another assumed attack, same thing as before. Don’t assume your clone has the ability to just hold him in place. Edit your reply to be more open ended. So don’t have the clone “force him in place” as an absolute. Have it “Try to force him in place.” That way you respect your foes ability, and depending on if it was a good try/no way for him to get out of it, he’ll submit to the attack. 11 more replies to go now, best of luck.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler][quote]Her form flashed, as she was still standing there, holding him off. // Amanda setup another clone, knowing that she could hold him off, but now though the shield would crack much quicker. She cloaked then, further weakening the clone. She snuck around him, knowing he was focused on the shield, -you are assuming he was still focused on the shield. as she got behind him, -you’re assuming he wouldn’t move [/quote] You’ll either have to edit your reply or completely redo the attack so that it is open ended, and not filled with assumptions. While Amanda surely is capable, it’s important to realize or expect that Jason is capable of finding a counter attack. [/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]where she aiming though [/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]at him, where else? Chest for an obvious answer [/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Don't get cheeki you little breeki[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]:3[/spoiler]

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