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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
11/30/2017 4:11:01 AM
[u]Dojo Mountain, 10:42 AM[/u] [spoiler]Open to all.[/spoiler] [i]Thunk.[/i] "Earon." [i]The arrow had slammed into the straw dummy's chest, ripping through it's base like a dagger would tear through the flesh of it's unfortunate victim, the head of the object ripping through the fabric and protruding from the back.[/i] [i]Thunk.[/i] "Morrison." [i]The second arrow had slammed into the dummy's neck, this time, piercing what would have been the Adam's apple on a masculine being. It mimicked the killing of Antinous, struck in the neck by an arrow strung by the Greek hero Odysseus, or Ulysses, whatever one would call him.[/i] [i]Thunk.[/i] "Marisa." [i]The final arrow struck the chest of the dummy for a second time, though it would be angled, now aimed and hitting the target's "heart" - upon a real person, a shot that was near impossible to make if one was moving, yet a kill nonetheless.[/i] [i]Orion would sigh, setting down his bow as he straightened out his outfit, setting aside his quiver once he had collected his three fired arrows. There was a certain simplicity within the young man, of which had taken to a plain white tunic of a shirt and baggy, light tan pants, with the only odd features being the visible scrapes upon his arms and his long, shining silver hair, of which had been carefully adjusted and tied into a ponytail - it looked like a patch of quills, if anything though. An oddity.[/i] [i]Earon, Morrison, Marisa. Anyone that had been watching could point out the names, and question the backstory behind them. Orion would initially refuse them, unless he knew them a little.[/i] [i]For now, he had begun to string his bow back and fire upon a round target. Every time that the arrows missed the line that would surround the center - an awfully small spot - Orion sighed, nodded, and simply kept pulling back and letting loose. Each motion was still, motionless, and calm, and it remained so until the young man released. Then, he would wait a few seconds on purpose, to hear that *thunk* noise as the arrow punched through the target, before lowering his bow.[/i] [i]Over and over. Over and over.[/i]

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  • [i]Fenrir amended the final steps, reciting the first few verses of the Book of Revelations quietly to himself in prayerful meditation when the sound of an archer's revelry fell on his ears from on high. Vast empty space atop a mountain made for beautiful acoustics running down it, and so the Wolf had no trouble making out what the noise was. The man furrowed his brow in confusion. The only ones ever to a send the Mount other than Fenrir himself were Father Able and the parishioners of the Church. What also struck him as queer were the mutterings he was barely able to make out as human vocals before each impact of the arrow. Unable to discern the words said, he decided to climb on, and see this new visitor. Jostling the hefty bags of groceries in his hands to reattach his grip, he began once more to climb to the top, returning to his prayerful readings of the verses engraved on the front of each step. As his head poked over the ridge, he could make out what looked to be a young man, repeatedly firing arrows at a dummy a few meters away from the western wall of the Church. Curious, he finished the steps, words of the new, eternal Jerusalem and the First and Final Mass slipping out of his mouth with practiced ease. Moving to the double-wooden doors of the Church, he set the bags filling his arms up against them, flexing his fingers and patting the leather of his jackets sleeves a few times. Crossing said arms over his chest, he leaned against the post of the door and began to watch, allowing him to hear the Father in the Church, practicing his homily for Sunday. This brought a smile to the aging Crusader's face, in tandem with the newcomer, whom he'd wait to speak with until after they'd finished their little training session.[/i]

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  • [i]It would take a short time for the young archer to then notice the bystander, as when he went to retrieve his arrows, those silver eyes would look upwards, only to find themselves upon Fenrir's form. A short, feeble grin would cross Orion's light face, as he would raise a hand and bother to wave towards the man whom had taken some interest in his shooting.[/i] [i]In truth, Orion was a man whom was raised religious, and after certain events, was confused about his identity as a religious individual, questioning his faith in certain things and such. It was not the Catholic God that he believed in, instead.. a Maker, one whom blessed the realm and failed to prevent the cruelties of chaotic influence from descending into it. An odd belief, but one nonetheless.[/i]

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  • [i]The older man started, pushing off the post of the door frame with a jump from his shoulder, right hand lifting from its position of crossing his chest and held out, apologetically and somewhat embarrassedly. A friendly smile lit his face as he pleaded the man,[/i] "[b]I am sorry, please forgive me. I'd had no intention of interrupting your session, only of watching it. Archery was never much a skill of my own, yet I love to see it wielded by a natural master of it. So, please, unless you wish to speak, don't let me interrupt you in your training.[/b]"

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  • "Sorry? Sir, you're not interrupting, nor intruding at all. Happy to see that more people see some value in the hobby - form of combat, sport, whatever you'd want to call archery." [i]The young archer would bow his head towards his sole spectator, in a rather plain, albeit respecting manner. Although the archer would nod as well, as he would take one final arrow, nocking it upon his bow. The archer's fingers locked upon the string, pulling it back until the bowstring met the side of his cheek, upon the right side. There, he would take aim, and fire - the final arrow managed to hit the center, albeit too high to be considered a true bullseye. The archer simply nodded, after the quick shooting, though his attention would soon return to Fenrir.[/i] "Sir, if I may.. could I practice upon this mountain more? The Dojo isn't.. preferable, for this sort of thing at least. I feel more at peace here, nearby a place of worship and in small, yet good company, than there."

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  • [b][i]As he did this an arrow would fly over his shoulder, slamming into the target. I didn't quite match his accuracy, but it was still a very good shot. He'd recognize the arrow though, glowing a translucent green as it punctured the target, disappearing moments later. Daun. She silently approached behind him, not sneaking up but just naturally good at maneuvering the forest terrain. She wore a linen wrap around her chest, this covered by a chest covering of hides. It covered her breast, a bit under and above them as well. She wore pants of light woven plant fibres, stopping midway on the lower leg to reveal the linen wraps around her feet and ankles, the same as on her lower arms and hands. She spoke to him, her mask on, muffling her voice a little.[/i][/b] "Greeting, Hunter Orion." [b][i]She said, having a habit of referring to him as so after she learned the story of the constellation[/i][/b]

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  • "Mornin', Daun. You holding up well, I hope?" [i]At the sight of one of his companions, Orion would display one of his simple, awkward smiles, the grin crossing his lightly tanned face. He would bow his head in a respectful manner towards the shaman - he was named for the giant archer, and what he lacked in height, he made up for by pursuing the way of the bow.[/i]

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  • "I fare well. I trust you the same?" [b][i]She would say, removing the mask as she approached. Lee skin was much darker than his, her black hair in dreadlocks down the back of her head. Tattoos could be seen on her arms in bright red warpaint, meaning she had either just been fighting or in prayer, and considering how calm she was, probably prayer [/i][/b]

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  • "I'm doing great, yeah. If anything.. I'm just thinking about some things. The group included, my past.. that sort." [i]Orion would nod towards the shaman woman, scratching the back of his head softly as if feeling a little awkward. Indeed, he had never gotten over Daun's choice of apparel, though her ways intrigued him a little, the symbols proving their spiritual and artistic worth.[/i] "So.. guess you're back from prayer?" [i]He stated, trying to keep a conversation.[/i]

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  • "Yes. The Bear today, if my cycles have been correct. They rarely are not." [b][i]Daun said. There were six main spirits, each prayed to on different days, the seventh being a break from prayer. She readied her bow, firing another arrow into the target, nailing another pretty accurate shot, not nearly as good as Orion with her strange bow but pretty good.[/i][/b] "You said you had been thinking of your past. Is there something you'd wish to, I believe the saying is, Get off your chest?"

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  • "I guess...?" [i]Daun, like a few of the others in the group, would know that Orion didn't have a family outside of the sickly grandparents that took him in for some time before he ventured onwards to the Rangers, and then the traveling band that made up their ranks.[/i] "Just thinking about a few things. Family. Friends. You guys. And.. a few enemies."

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  • [b][i]Orion would know Daun's story as well, and in a way she could relate to him. She had family, though she had been cursed and cast out by her own people, never to return. In a sense she didn't have family either now.[/i][/b] "Your family and friends, Mother Gaia watches over them, Hunter Orion. It is important to remember them, their spirits and legacies live on that way." [b][i]She would reply, placing a hand on his shoulder.[/i][/b] "As for your enemies, remember them as well. Remember them for what they've done to wrong you and others, so Mother Gaia may punish them rightfully."

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  • "It will be through Gaia's will that [i]I[/i] punish them. Or another will." [i]Orion would nock another arrow upon his longbow, drawing the bowstring back to the side of his cheek. When he released, the arrow whistled through the air, slamming against where the sternum would be upon the target. For a man whom had claimed to never kill another before, Orion could be considered a scary shot.[/i] "Whatever the case is, well.. you're right. I should consider both, especially my past family. Thank you."

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  • "You may punish them in this life, but when their spirits are to be judged Gaia will make sure they suffer." [b][i]Daun would reply, watching him shoot. She was impressed by his skill with the bow, as she usually was.[/i][/b] "And no thanks is required. I simply perform my task as a Shaman, one of which is to help out people at ease."

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  • "Heh. And I'm the archer - eyes from afar, the ranger, that sort. Have you seen our group, recently? Cammy? Barbara? The Paladin? I've only seen Cammy, and that was days ago. It's a little unsettling." [i]Orion would point out, as he would go to collect his arrows at that time.[/i]

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  • "I've met them around here, yes. Like usual, all seem to be following their own paths." [b][i]She would say as she looked around at the scenery. She was at peace right now, small amounts of flowers beginning to spring up around her.[/i][/b]

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  • "Hmm. I am happy to hear that they're doing alright. We're always either separate upon our adventures.. or together, and unstoppable." [i]Orion thought about what he had said, before then releasing a sigh as he would slide his arrows into his quiver's pouch.[/i] "-Though being unstoppable isn't always good."

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  • "It is bad when intentions are not the same and pure. We wish to help people by dealing with those who cause suffering. In this case, being unstoppable is good."

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  • "True enough. I just hope that we keep doing good for the people. Not for ourselves, like most groups end up doing." [i]Orion would smile though, even in the somewhat dread manner.[/i]

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  • "We must remain vigilant if that fact then, and strive to continue in the righteous path. So far I do not believe we have wavered from it, but the risk is still there."

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  • A loud draw was heard then, powerful by sound alone, as a low thud was heard and an arrow zipped past his head, faster than any standard bow could even manage. It slammed into the target then, punching through it and still going afterwards, jostling the target itself. Then a think was heard behind it, the arrow slamming into a tree several yards behind it. Amanda stood behind him, her boy still up as she stood parallel to it, only after the thunk did she lower it. The soldier for once out of her armor, and in civilian clothing, navy blue jeans, a pair of sturdy boots, black form fitting shirt and a simply styled leather jacket, not zipped up to accommodate her figure. A harness lay under the jacket, holding the compact arrows in a small canister, and a holster for the bow. She grinned then, a smile gracing her freckled face as she brushed a bit of hair behind her ear then.

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  • "...Wow." [i]The shorter archer murmured, as he had to look back at the splintered tree that Amanda had used as a target. There was a certain amazement there. A curiosity, though not one that suggested that he wanted such a weapon.[/i] [i]Such powerful tools were known to ruin things for Orion, he knew from vivid experience.[/i] "How much weight are you pulling back? That's.. absolutely terrifying, but amazing too."

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  • "I'm not a number cruncher, forgot how much it was. Lets just keep it at, this thing can stop an elephant. Close to 500 feet per second or something." She chuckled then, walked forward now.

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  • "Jeez.. only giants wield such bows. None can take down elephants - there's a ballista for that." [i]Orion would jest a little, while he was incredibly short compared to Amanda. After all, the young man was the regular height - five feet and nine inches tall. And even then, he seemed used to having to look up.[/i] "I take it that you reside here too, then?"

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  • "On Tatakai? No, only visiting. Long story involving trade and the like" The giant of a woman shrugged, avoiding details.

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  • "Ah. Here I am, following the mercenaries and travelers - except with my own band of travelers, I guess. Though.. about the bow, if you don't mind." [i]It was as if Orion was seeing whether Amanda would push him aside or not: at least he wanted to know if he was being.. well, annoying.[/i]

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