originally posted in:The New Dojo
[u][i][b]Buy a Gun Already![/b][/i][/u]
[u][i]Dojo Gates, 1500 Hours[/i][/u]
[i]Well apart from whatever chaos happens in the dojo, it is relatively peaceful from the outside to say the least. The scent of freshly cut grass, birds chirping, defense turrets holding position, ready to fire at any potential threat. Not that they were needed; many Dojo members would be willing to fight whatever comes out.
But today won't exactly be a time for fighting. At least not to the midget pulling a strange cart behind him, a small airplane-shaped drone-robot following him. The midget was breathing heavily, as the trip to the dojo probably took a toll on him. Sighing, he gets to the gates, and starts opening up the cart.
The cart, folded, was about eight feet by six feet by four feet, however as it unfolds it reveals a white tarp covering, extended counter space, a cash register, the like so it became twenty feet by sixteen feet by nine feet, in total.
The midget hums to himself as he takes a strange stick out. The stick is yellow and white, about ten inches long. Pointing it under the counter, it seems to teleport multiple strange machine components, their uses unknown. On a rack behind him, he does the same to reveal many types of guns, grenades, none look exactly alike. Happily humming to himself under his mask, he turns the closed sign to it's open side[/i]
An avian styled clockwork automaton slowly approached the stand, a screwdriver jammed into its throat at an angle. "Shotgun choke."
Bramd - old
*The screwdriver bounces off his neck, revealing a sky blue net of small hexagons where he is jammed. When he speaks it sounds as if he has been breathing helium his whole life* Woah, take it easy bub! I can get you a shotgun for a good price! -
Edited by Monarch Neo: 11/29/2017 12:11:08 AM[spoiler]I meant the screwdriver was jammed up into the automatons throat.[/spoiler] "What is your price range."
Bramd - old
[spoiler]oh, gotchu[/spoiler] Well, depends on what you want. I got shotguns that can fire as quickly as you pull the trigger, explosive shotguns, shotguns that explode when thrown... You want me to show you a couple? -
The automaton waved his hand dismissively. "I don't need any new weapons yet. Just an attachable shotgun choke. Preferably an auto-adjusting one."
Bramd - old
Erm... Yeah, I don't sell pieces, sorry. I only sell complete guns. I could probably get you a good Torgue shotgun -
Alpha walked up to the stand, eyeing stuff "What kinda sidearms you got here?"
Bramd - old
*The midget looks at him a second before looking through the racks* Well, y'see here, we got all kinds of pistols. Vladof, Dahl, Tediore, and more of the best brands from where I come from! -
"I don't know anything" She said. Yes, she. Get it right. "Just give me a run down on them."
Edited by BrandRobKus: 11/29/2017 9:17:38 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - old
*Sorry, but Alpha is a common name and there have been he alphas* Alright, then. *He motions to a checkered pattern heavy looking shotgun with "TORGUE" on the side* The Torgue weapons always have explosive projectiles, and are loud as hell, though I don't think they make pistols. *He then moves on to a sleek, square looking pistol, the gun having a square brace in front of the grip* Tediore weapons use a digistruct technology, and explode like grenades when thrown. So long as it has a bullet in the mag, it can explode, then reconstruct in your hands with a full mag! I had the pleasure to use a rocket launcher by Tediore and it sure is fun! *Next up, an old western style hand cannon, made of a silver metal and dark wood* Jakobs weapons! Want to go back to the western age? Fan that hammer faster than, erm, urm... Flint Wildwood, was his name? Jakobs weapons are for you! *After that, another futuristic style of gun, with strange wing like structures on the sides of it* Hyperion weaponry! Claimed to be the best until the fall of Jack, it gets more accurate the longer you use it! *Almost through the rack of pistols, he shows a rather modern looking pistol, made of a brownish color metal with steel details, as well as a pistol with a... spinning? barrel, with a slightly futuristic, yet clearly Russian design* Dahl! All of it's weapons fire in a burst pattern! And they're the most stable in the Six galaxies! And Vladof! The vladof corporation deals good damage in their auto fire pistols and quick assault rifles! *Finally, he shows a pistol with two large barrel magazines coming out of the right side of it. It seems to be a modified Dahl pistol, only red colored and has a dragon mouth on it* Finally, Bandit weapons. I totally didn't loot these from corpses! These things pack a punch, having the most rounds in them of ANY brand. Best used for a spray and play strategy! So what'll it be? -
She purses her lips. "Just browsing now." And you know what Alpha this is pal.
Bramd - old
*Oh, THAT Alpha. Yeah, been a while...* *The midget nods, going over to the cash register. The surveyor simply orbits around, making sure Alpha doesn't cause trouble* -
Alpha eyes the surveyor "What's this for?"
Bramd - old
Well, I just keep it around for protection and all. I looted a MASSIVE Hyperion keep a while back; filled with broken loaders, a few syrveyors, and a whole lot of guns -
"Well, tell it to back off." She said, still looking over the selection
Bramd - old
Alright, alright... *He taps on a gauntlet on his left arm and it hovers into a strange metal box* I'm sorry I don't have any Maliwan weapons on me right now; they're in hot demand and all, with their elemental damage and all. I'm here like "You know there are more elemental weapons than just Maliwans right" and they're like "Nah, I'm good" cuz I guess they've been doing it the longest, so they're "reliable" and all. -
"What about that?" She points to a Jakobs shotgun "That seems reliable"
Bramd - old
*He looks in the direction she points* Ah, an old [url=http://borderlands.wikia.com/wiki/Bushwack?file=Borderlands2_2013-09-18_16-27-19-64.jpg]Bushwack[/url]? One of the most dependable out there. It's a triple barrel, and can hold six rounds. Fires as fast as you can pull the trigger, so if you're like anyone and everyone I know, that's faster than a Fast Travel station