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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Inflatablepants: 11/25/2017 10:45:23 PM
[b][u]WELCOME TO THE CELTIC ISLES![/u][/b] Everyone who had signed up for the yearly tournament made their way across the gellidius and ollimund in their own unique ways. Cars, teleportation, planes, super speed you name it. As everyone boarded the ginormous cruise ship that had arrived, they were immediately treated to their rooms and five star services. Clearly this Jarl Haakon shed no expense, but anyone smart enough knew that he wanted to treat his guests proper for the sole purpose of them being comfortable enough to gut each other the next day. While some who saw things at face value seemed to think this was an incredibly nice gesture of him. And for anyone who knew him, they knew it was a road between these two lines of thought. The cruise took two days until the fighters of the dojo laid their eyes on the isle of Ragnarok. It was a massive landmass and as they drew closer it was all they could see on the horizon. It was mountainous but also beautiful as it looked bountiful with life and colour. The city came into view, that was a sight all on its own. Massive buildings made entirely from stone and Nordic in their design. They towered over the large stone walls of the city which only opened up to the shore line were miles of boats were docked. Fire works shot off from the city as the cruise ship made its way into the large harbour, where the combatants would disembark to see the city in full. There were red, blue and yellow banners that made their way from building to building and lights that lit up the evening. Braziers were lit with white, magical looking fire across the top of the walls. However, not all was this colourful. If one would look around, they would see destroyed buildings in the process of being rebuilt. Roads that were cracked and damaged, and people who bore brutal looking scars on their exposed skin. Ah, yes, the Celtics. They were a large people. All towered over six feet. It seemed their hair came in two colours, blond and red. And the men, their beards would stretch down to their waists and their hair would be braided in order to keep it short. The woman too were burly, but their eyes almost seemed to light up the world around them. They braided their hair like the men, and as the group of fighters made their way up the city they soon realized cat calling was met with a swift punch to the jaw. As the group made their way up the town, which seemed to constantly elevate up on an angle, the massive coliseum came into view on the large road the group walked up. It was designed similarly to that of the other arenas, but this one seemed bigger, and was adorned with flashing lights and banners and braziers and... Lots of advertisements, actually. As the group neared the entrance to the arena, a large podium came into sight. And on it stood a large, burly man. He had ginger hair, a face that seemed to consist mostly of scarred tissue, and bright blue eyes that lit up as the group stopped in front of where he stood. With that, raised his hands up in greeting. “WELCOME! MEMBERS OF THE DOJO!” He bellowed. “My name, is Jarl Haakon. Thank you ALL for coming to this grand event! With your help, I have no doubt the Celtic isles will raise enough money to finish our rebuilding efforts!”Haakon told them. “Ah, But you’ve all had a long journey. And I’m not one to keep you waiting! I’m sure you are all wondering who you are fighting...hmm? Yes, I thought so. Well before we do that, I would like to explain just how this tournament will work!” [b][u]RULES FOR THE TOURNAMENT[/u][/b] [spoiler]You will ascend the ranks by fighting other people who are randomly selected to fight you. A “Bracket” is the set of fights. Each set of fights is timed, and said times are listed in the schedule. These are flexible, but we would like to keep to the schedule. Also, fight well. As by the end of the tourney rewards will be presented. 1) the first bracket will be five days of fighting. If you do not finish your fights by the end of that time the winner will be decided by judging. 5 days. 2) winners of first bracket fight. One winner sits out and will fight a loser from this bracket. 3days 3) while the winners move on the randomly selected winner(or the earliest loser) will fight the person who hasn’t fought yet. The winners from the second bracket will move on to the third. 3 days 4) Winners of second bracket fight will fight. The loser will fight the winner who was left behind in the second bracket while the winners of the third bracket move on. 3 days 5) Winners of third bracket fight. Winners move on while loser stays back to fight winner of second bracket. 3 days 6) Winners of fourth bracket fight. The winner moves on to the championship fight. Meanwhile the loser fights the fighter who was behind. Winner moves on to championship fight. Betting opens up at this stage. 3 days 7) champion ship fight. Lasts until a winner is won through combat. 8) the rules for this tourney are as follows. -Follow ALL official dojo guidelines -Keep the beef you may develop with your foe to PM’s or contact one of the referees. -What a ref say’s goes. We aren’t participating in the tourney so you guys can have fun. Please respect that. -You are allowed 5 weapons in a fight which includes offensive weapons(EG:Grenades, mines etc). You can switch your load out between fights but not during. -The max caliber of bullet permitted is the .50cal BMG. -Be courteous and respect your foe. They are skilled fighters just like you. Never assume your attack lands unless it would hit no matter what, and take damage reasonably. Good fights are rewarded at the end of the tourney. -Death to your foe is decided by your foe. When your opponent has submitted, CLEARLY SUBMITTED(they will make a spoiler stating their submission or have dialogue stating it), you may perform a fantastical fatality. -Reply maximum is 60. In order to get things going the odd man out fights(the ones that hold the schedule back) will be shortened to 50. -Have fun![/spoiler] “And now...the fights for the FIRST BRACKET!” JT vs Zane [b]OH BOY[/b] Sonic VS Saber Wheb VS Dio Roy VS Hak Die VS ASAP Orn VS Tubbs [b][i]HO-LEE SHIT[/i][/b] Caz VS Space Mom Vile VS False Atom VS Cthulu “Also...” Haakon started again. “If any of you were confused, you will not actually be slaughtering each other. Each of you will be submitted to a SIM-CHAIR which will allow you to act as a digitally constructed version of yourself in the arena.” With that, the man crossed his arms and grinned. “Now! The fighting will begin...TOMORROW. So be ready, and we will let you know when your fight is on! For now, enjoy the festivities!” [spoiler]open to interaction! Hang around In Ragnarok as you please! Prob won’t reply so...feel free to write your own fun stuff.[/spoiler]

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  • [i][b]While not fighting in the tourney himself, Angelo had decided to come along and watch, keep an eye out for any rogue witches, and maybe see if there was anyone he could chat up for a drink or a night. He wore his standard apparel, dark brown looser fitting pants, a white button up with the sleeves rolled and black boots underneath for support, he had found managed to garner a crowd.[/b][/i] [b][i]Angelo, as dumb as it was, had always had an interest in stage magic. Over the years, he had become proficient at it himself. Card tricks, sleight of hand, all of it. His favourite though, was to play with fire. He held a torch in his hand as he moved back and forth on a slightly raised surface, his impromptu stage, in front of the crowd.[/i][/b] "Fire has always been something humans have been afraid of. Then again, so have heights and such but that hasn't stopped us from doing stupid stuff with them now has it? [b][i]He said jokingly, garnering a few laughs from the crowd. He continued[/i][/b] "The same goes for fire. The idea of fire resistance and of playing with this deadly item it an idea as old as fire itself. It game us light, it gave us warmth, but now it gives us entertainment." [b][i]He said, moving the torch along each arm, somehow not burning himself. It was pretty much invisible to the human eye, but there was a coating on his arms that made them fireproof.[/i][/b] "We created myths and legends about it, from the damned pits of hell being filled with it, to holy fire saving those who faced great evils. We thought up dragons, creatures that could breathe founts of flame to roast men in armour like pigs." [b][i]He said, taking a sip of a water bottle. Inside it was a type of alcohol used for fire breathing, but again it would look just like water. He blew it out in a fine mist infront of him and up above the crowd at the torch, seeming to blow a gout of flames from his own mouth as he moved the torch away in the last few seconds. The crowd was enticed at this point.[/i][/b] "We have even equated fire to our own lives, put it inside of ourselves to show the spark of life, the fire of passion that makes each and every one of us unique." [b][i]He said, taking a wider stance as he looked up, lowering the head of the torch I to his mouth. He wasn't so much eating the fire as extinguishing it in his mouth, but those on the outside wouldn't notice the difference. The head went in his mouth, as he closed his lips round it to cut off the air flow, blowing up a bit to put it out. When he would take it out, the fire would be gone.[/i][/b] [i][b]He looked to be coughing for a six as he held up a finger, people looking a little worried as he looked up, opening his mouth a bit as smoke came out, as he laughed a bit, the crowd applauding as he bowed off. He stepped off the raised area, charging with people before heading to a nearby outdoor bar, where he had been performing, to grab a drink[/b][/i] [spoiler]open![/spoiler]

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  • Ivan seemed amazed at the masses of people. Being newly built, he wasn’t really used to anything like this. His head spun rapidly to take notice of all of his surroundings. He stared at the people especially, they looked nothing like the few people he had seen before. By his side marched the Soviet Bear machine, towering over Ivan as well as pretty much anyone else since he was 12 feet tall. The Bear spoke to the IA-5 bot with motivational remarks to prepare him. It might have reminded one of a boxer and their coach, getting ready for their match. As the sun set, the Bear took Ivan to their quarters and did some last minute scans through his system to make sure everything was ready. The Bear, being much older and wiser than Ivan, knew what awaited them in the arena. However, the bear had faith in their victory, for he had implemented some of even his own best combat systems into the IA-5. They left their door open for any visitors in case someone felt like entering while they worked. [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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  • Garin poked his head out of the ship, checking his surroundings before jumping into a cart of hay. As he was carted away to presumably the harbor, Garin tapped his pocket to make sure he still had a bag of semechki to snack on later. [spoiler]Yeet![/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Here to watch my dude?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]yuh[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]*click* Noice[/spoiler]

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  • Kek

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  • Dio I'm gonna Ora Ora your ass

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  • Lmao, admittedly, I knew this guy wouldn’t make I ended up just using him for first round.

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  • Tubbs really wasn’t paying attention to anything the man was saying, he was just rubbing his face. “I don’t get why that woman had to hit me so hard, I was just complimenting her.” Tubbs 2 appeared “It was a rather graphic compliment.” “Yeah but a compliment none the less.” Tubbs 2 sighed. “Anyway, it seems you’ll be fighting Orn.” “You mean beating?” Tubbs 2 rolled his eyes. “Yeah...”

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  • [i]Nathaniel read, or heard the name of his opponent and chuckled slightly, looking back through the years. How long had it been? 2? No, 3 years. For him at least, it had only been a year in dojo time but Nathaniel was elsewhere, living in between timelines. He pivoted around and walked away from the group of warriors gathered. He didn't care who he was fighting, but he cared about one thing. Redemption. His battle against JJ had been long and honourable, eventually leading to a draw. But now, Nathaniel was determined to see victory. If not against JJ, then against someone else. Anyone else. He stopped at the beach, his armoured boots kicking up particles of sand as he walked. He came to a halt at the point where the beach met the ocean, standing mere inches away from the water. Taking a deep breath, he drew the sword off of his back and settled into a dance, swinging the blade through the air and causing the ocean water to move with him. [/i] [spoiler]Open! [/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Oh great, not only is my opponent good at this, but they’re seeking redemption too. [/spoiler] A rather tall robot, IA-5, or Ivan, as the Soviet bear called him, watched from a distance, observing the dance closely. Its head tilted from time to time, following the movements. It then moved a little bit closer.

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  • [spoiler]Good at what? [/spoiler] [i]The man raised his blade overhead, swinging downward and arching into a full swing, pivoting around and doing a 180. He came to a sudden halt, the blade falling to his side as he looked directly at Ivan and gave a simple nod of the head. He slammed the tip of the blade into the sand and walked around it, approaching Ivan. [/i] "Robotic? Hmm..." [i]He said, mostly to himself as he circled the robot twice over, coming to a halt in front of it. [/i]

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  • [spoiler]Good at RP[/spoiler] The robot’s head followed him a full 360 degrees as he circled around. He could see the robot was dark green with red and blue patterns on his sides. The patterns seemed to resemble flames. Noises could be heard from his chassis as he watched, like little instruments and scanners working along inside of him.

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  • [spoiler]Oooh... Well thank you! [/spoiler] [i]The man was... A sight to behold to say the least. Standing at an incredible height of six feet, six inches with a pair of eyes brandished on his helmet. His armour was white, with green lines running down it on the chest, arms and legs. A small cloak was attached to the back of his neck, which flowed behind him as he walked around. His weapons were just as fierce looking. Firstly, the blade which he had left in the stand. Glowing a strange blueish orange color, it clearly had some sort of magic to it. Secondly, the four different blaster pistols that the robot could see. Two on either one of his thighs, a third on the back of his hip and a fourth attached to a holster on the side of his heel. Yet another blaster was seen on his back, with a strange barrel and form that made it seen more like a weapon for stealth. Beneath that was a white and gold assault rifle, that held a strange Armour that looked like bolts, or spikes. Lastly, slung over his chest was a finely crafted sniper rifle, that glowed that same blueish orange as his blade. There were certainly more weapons, some of which Ivan couldn't see... He was certainly well prepared. How could he have moved so gracefully in such Armour? With such weaponry? It was a haunting thought to say the least, the pure speed and grace of such a large man being odd... [/i] "What about you? Where are you weapons?" [i]The man asked calmly, the hud that accompanied his visor scanning the robotic form of Ivan. [/i]

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  • “They are as follows...” replied the robot in a monotone voice. From behind him rose up his machine gun, an intimidating and large HMG which was mounted on his back and bolted in. He shook his wrist and a rifle barrel extended outward. The rifle was attached to his right wrist and had magazines lined up on it. He then opened up parts of his chassis, revealing more on the inside. In his left and right pectorals, grenades were loaded in mini catapult-like systems. His wrists also had strong hydraulic systems which connected to his hands. Finally, in his heavily protected chest, there was an array of metal pipes that circulated through his body. In the center, there was a label: “EMERGENCY EVAC WAVE DEVICE- WARNING: Extremely dangerous if used improperly. Handle with care.” It was obvious that robot was engineered to fit the strange device inside of him, and that it would be used improperly. Whoever built the robot built it rather well considering its amazing engineering.

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  • "Hmm." [i]Nathaniel turned his back to the robot and returned to his blade, drawing it from the sand. [/i] "It will be an interesting fight." [i]He told the robot, spinning the blade around in his hand and slipping it into a sheath on his back easily. [/i]

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  • [spoiler]That first match-up...I can taste the salt on the air...[/spoiler]

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