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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
11/17/2017 2:17:02 PM
223 [b][i]The Trees Have Eyes...[/i][/b] [b][i]Afternoon, Dojo Forest[/i][/b] [b][i]The sound of a rifle going off was heard, as a deer in the woods fell dead. Three hunters walked over to it, one smoking a cigar as he did. He looked at his kill, laughing a bit as there was a hole straight through the eye.[/i][/b] Smoker: "Dead shot perfect, as always." [b][i]He said bragging to his friends[/i][/b] Hunter #1: "Yeah, yeah, I get it. Cmon, grab the antlers so we can continue." [b][i]He said, as the third hunter, easily the youngest of the bunch of males, cut off the antlers and put them in a bag. The smoker stood up, as the three walked off, leaving the kill there. But they should've known the saying "The trees have inquisitive eyes"[/i][/b] [b][i]The sun was beginning to set as they moved, not yet using flashlights to guide their way. As they walked, they chatted about other kills, the price antlers would fetch, as they came across a small sapling. The smoker laughed, coughing a bit as he walked over to it, crouching down.[/i][/b] Smoker: "Hey, watch this." [b][i]He said, putting his cigar to the tree as it began to catch alight. Soon, the tree was burning and became nothing more than charcoal. The three laughed, as the began to walk once more. But they stopped, a presence washing over them. They should've remembered the saying "The trees have inquisitive eyes"[/i][/b] [b][i]Vines snaked across the ground towards them, moving along the highest branches of trees as well, as the theee stopped, looking around. The smoker reached for his rifle, but vines pinned it to the ground. They were lifted by their legs by vines, being dangled from a tree as a figure approached. It's form was like a woman, though made of wood and vine, claws for hands. It spoke to them, its voice raspy and feminine.[/i][/b] Dryad: "You should not disrespect nature. It could have quite dire consequences." [i][b]It said as it moved around them, inspecting them. One went to speak, but the Dryad let out a growl to silence him. As another reached for its pistol, it noticed it was snatched, What looked like some naturally made satyr having snatched their weapons. The Dryad spoke to the three again.[/b][/i] Dryad: "Those who have done nothing wrong but witness these crimes here today, by happy Gaia is a forgiving Mother. She shall spare you torment..." [b][i]The vines released them, dropping them to the ground as they took off running.[/i][/b] Dryad: "As for you..." [b][i]She said looking to the final one.[/i][/b] "Gaia demands life given for life taken." [b][i]He was dropped from the tree, only to have his neck ensnared by a vine. It constructed around him, crushing his neck as he now dangle their from the tree. He would be a warning to others.[/i][/b] [b][i]To outsiders of the situation, the Dryad would look to be in her true form. It was a human female, her skin the colour of redwood, her black hair in short dreadlocks, tied back into a somewhat ponytail behind her head. A mask covered her face as her body appeared to be free of tattoos. Her upper chest was only covered by a wrap of leather, covering her breasts fully and a bit above the gut, a band around her left arm with three small bones on it. Her lower half were covered by woven pants, stopping about midway on the calf to reveal the coverings on the lower leg made of leather and wrapped with dark brown linen to stay on. They came under the sole of her bare feet like a stirrup would. The same kind of covering could be seen on her hands, as she wore claw like gloves. Two spikes sat on her hips as her weapons, with a bow on her back. She turned after giving punishment, not sure where she was.[/i][/b] [spoiler]open. Meet Daun, the Shaman.[/spoiler]

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  • [i]Barbara had heard the noise and saw the hunters; She wouldn't stand for it. She was at a distance that she couldn't really see the situation well from, and so she had thought they were attacking Daun. So with her axe in her hands and a hefty blow into the war horn, she moved in to assist. She sprinted through the treeline with zeal guiding her steps, the axehead trailing behind her as she sprinted to the group. She stepped on a rock and jumped down on the duo of people, crashing the axehead down the centre of the one nearest to her. It travelled down from the shoulders to his waistline, carving a path through him and leaving a cut which would remove half of his torso. Barb spun and pulled the axe out, swinging it at the knees of the last remaining hunter. After removing him of the legs below the kneecaps, a swift stomp to the head out him out of his agony. "NOBODY -blam!-S WITH HER!" [/i]

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  • [b][i]Daun looked over at her ally, speaking as the vine disappeared eith the body.[/i][/b] "You realize they were doing no harm, correct?" [b][i]She said as she looked over to Barb. Her expression was concealed under the mask, though she sound a tiny bit peeved by the attack. Then again, she couldn't blame her companion. I'd Daun had been in the same situation, she probably would've reacted the same way.[/i][/b]

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  • [i]"No, no I didn't. -blam!- it, they're dead now anyways." Barb spoke with indifference in her voice, regarding her actions. It wasn't that she didn't care about killing people who hadn't done anything, it was more that she felt it better to end them and keep her friend rather than watch with a chance of them becoming hostile - She acted knowing it was safer, and it made her happy. [/i]

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  • "True. The Paladin is nowhere to be found and it lessens the chance there'll be a witch hunt later." [b][i]She said, seeing the logic behind it.[/i][/b] "Now, any idea where we are? I woke up in the middle of this forest a few hours ago." [b][i]She turned, dismissing the forest guardian, as it trotted off into the woods.[/i][/b]

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  • [i]"No clue sadly, I'm out of my element here. If this was the north I could tell you, but these trees are unfamiliar to me." [/i]

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  • "Well, at least I am in my own element now. Feels nice to be in the forest. Much better connection to the spirits here.l" [b][i]She said as she looked around.[/i][/b] "Should be a good place for rituals."

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  • [i]"Just don't sacrifice me and I'll help you in any ritual you need." [/i]

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  • [b][i]She laughed a bit.[/i][/b] "Do not worry, the rituals never require a human sacrifice. Gaia Mother would never bring harm upon our kind."

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  • [i]"Right. So do you sacrifice wheat or something?" [/i]

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  • "Any sacrifices are usually blessed animals, or simply songs of praise and worship. Plants can be sacrifice though. Though that does remind me, I need to find some Devil's Horn..." [b][i]She said, trailing off a bit as she looked around.[/i][/b]

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  • [i]"Well, what's it look like?" [/i]

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  • "Long brown curly stem, has red leaves sticking off it." [b][i]She said. Her tone mad et clear it wasn't irgent, probably a component for an upcoming ritual.[/i][/b]

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  • [i]"I'll keep an eye out for it." [/i]

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  • "Thank you. The other plants I should have, by Devil's Horn is notoriously hard to come by. Perhaps if there is a town nearby, and I manage to ignore any comments made, I could procure some from a vendor."

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  • [i]"Yeah... I think there's one not too far away, should we go check to see if they have it there?" [/i]

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  • "Sure. I will try to resist creating a scene, though if anything happens and someone believes I am dressed like this for attention, someone will end up hurt."

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  • [i]"Heh, not one to show off are you?" [/i]

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  • "No, not unless a specific ritual calls for us to." [b][i]She said nonchalantly. She moved over to the center of the clearing, light shining through as she lay down in the center, similar to as a dog would in the sun. She had a bestial curse out on her many years ago as the barbarian knew, and she had managed to mostly restrain it.[/i][/b]

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  • [i]"What are you doing?" Barb inquired, not knowing why she was laying there. She knew of the curse, but many things still confused her on it, with the exception of 'Girl become wolf, don't kill wolf.'[/i]

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  • [spoiler]mah she doesn't become a werewolf. She was cursed to act like a beast for all eternity, but she's managed to dampen its effects a bit[/spoiler] "It's warm. It feels nice. I am still shaking off feeling like I was drugged. I feel that is enough of reason." [b][i]She said as she removed her mask, continuing to lay there.[/i][/b]

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  • [i]"Do you want a belly rub or something?" Barbara asked hoenstly, sitting down beside Daun. She really didn't mind doing things like rubbing a belly, since she knew that Daun would at least like it. [/i]

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  • "I am not opposed, though it is not necessary." [b][i]She said laughing a bit. She was more than content to just lay there for a bit[/i][/b]

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  • [i]Barbara decided to do her friend a favour as she put her hand on Daun's stomach, giving it a good rubbing. [/i]

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  • [b][i]A soft happy sounding growl was heard from Daun as she did so. It was funny in a way, to see someone like Daun: a warrior and powerful shaman, in such a state like this.[/i][/b]

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  • [i]Barb did indeed find it a little funny, and she snickered when she rubbed. [/i]

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