For gods sake read again what I said, devs do NOT have always free pass to do whatever they want or use their input in their projects.
Stop searching for an argument that hard. It's not the devs that promised you something.
I'm not remotely looking for an argument. I'm talking about the company in general. It's not any single department that under produced in this game, but the company as a whole. Taking the developers and programmers feelings as being hurt by the forums comments is either; A) nonsensical, for probably the majority of them never frequent the forums anymore anyhow. They're too busy doing their jobs. B) gives them the ammunition to present their findings, ideas, concerns to their superiors, if they feel that they're inputs, ideas, and content should be given more time, development, or thought. I am familiar with some people within the walls, but I don't believe for a second that anything I say in these forums would be construed as "personal" toward them if they read them.
[quote]B) gives them the ammunition to present their findings, ideas, concerns to their superiors, if they feel that they're inputs, ideas, and content should be given more time, development, or thought.[/quote] Some ex studio employees tried to do just that, protect the integrity and vision for the game, they are no longer at the studio.
Exactly. But they tried. That's important. If more were to do so with lowered gamers in the population, you would think that the higher ups would finally open their minds a bit.
I have little hope for this franchise because they need to fulfill the publisher's demands first and foremost. However, Bungie as a studio may still have some brilliant ideas moving forward and hopefully learned from what they've experienced in the decade of Destiny.