Yes, I do agree. However, we are talking about a DESIGN issue. A DESIGN issue is handled by a team in charge of designing the game. Which means we are talking about what? 5% being generous of Bungie. Now do you see my point. Its not excuses... its logic. You have any idea how long it takes to do a complete rehaul of a game's systems. Ill give you a hint. D1 did it and it took a year. FFXIV did it and it took a year.
So why release it knowing the problems that already exist? Knowing that this is the exact response they will receive. I understand and I believe they think we will continue to support a sub-par product but they're wrong. I'm done and I have 100 plus active friends of D1 that are no longer active that are done. I've been gaming for 38 years and in my experience have never seen a game recover from this type of blunder. I'm done, I have grieved the loss of a game I loved and I'm moving on. I hope you don't get to place I'm at because it SUCKS! Guardian out.....
Um because you think they have time to play their game during development for hours on end getting to end game and realizing its shallow? I have personally seen a game recover from such a blunder. Its called FFXIV. Guess what the launch of FFXIV was one of the biggest disasters in gaming history. Now... its the number 2 MMO currently with active players behind WoW.
If they recover like FF14, I will gladly eat my words. But Bungie is no Square Enix!
I would argue it wasn't Square Enix. I would argue it was Yoshi-P.