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originally posted in: Upvote if you still have hope for D2
11/9/2017 6:12:52 PM
bungie innovated the concept of false promises, even though you new what destiny 1 pulled you have the audacity to bitch about how trash the game is when in reality it was never good in the first place, i see your post in this way and all these threads calling destiny 2 "trash" the player with begin by say that destiny one was SO MUCH BETTER than destiny 2, this in reality is simply not true in the slightest ffor the simple fact that BOTH of them were equally as bad maybe not in the same aspects as each other but they certainly share enough shit on both ends to warrent that they are in fact both trash. the player after some one will mentioned this fact will then state that meh end game in destiny 1 was actually there. when in reality IT TOO was as lack luster, be honest with yourself the endgame of destiny was prolonged and unnecessary you were forced to level up with everyone else with only 2 means of actually getting to that point with only one opportunity to do them once. per. week. there are games that have been developed in less time and have managed to have a bigger end game than the entire destiny series combined e.i. path of exiles, warframe just to name a few and not to mention that they are free with consistent content updates that are bigger than any most destiny dlc. then the player with start to realize that they are losing the argument and panic and result into a fit of low articulated fury calling you names and acting all high and mighty about there failure to realize that they have been conned. this is going to go on every thread like this cause i want to let you know that the implications of you allowing such a game developer will result in a shock wave in the gaming industry. you are the problem

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