originally posted in:The New Dojo
“Well, I guess that’s just nature.” [i] Adevăr says. He still stands straight, but it’s tough to tell if he’s relaxed due to the mask and the same tone of voice.[/i]
"Mhm yup definitely never can change it really at all. So pardon me being curious but what with the mask are you disfigured or is it something else?"says azalea
[i]He sighs a bit.[/i] “Well, it allows me to see. It has a special power that gives me sight when I wear it. Now, I used to be able to see, but, I made the mistake of speaking out against a tyrant who took over my home. So, he had me imprisoned, and then had me eyes gouged.” [i]He says looking at the ground in sadness.[/i]
"That's just awful sorry if i brought up a painful memory."says azalea
“Don’t be, it’s not easy forgetting something like this, I’d rather just live with it than try to forget.”
"Well certainly can be i know i have made the mistakes cause and point. My sister when she was alive got blinded by accidentally so i made a pair of magically enchanted glass eyes so she could see."says azalea
“Well, that’s sad to hear that happened to your sister, but good that you knew what to do. I was only able to get the mask because my friend made it and risked getting killed smuggling it to me.” [i] Adevăr replies.[/i]
Edited by NightBloomsFell: 11/8/2017 9:12:50 PM"It was a trick that my master taught me when she was still alive when i was just learning magic. But that way long ago and most of my own family is dead except my two granddaughter and their six beautiful greatgrandkids. I came to late to meet one of them sadly she was slain just because part dragon. Which saddens me greatly."says azalea
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that, sounds rough to live with.” [i] Adevăr states.[/i]
Edited by NightBloomsFell: 11/9/2017 2:23:45 AM"Yeah definitely is their papa was slain too. That's why i figured i should probably come here especially after getting that letter from my late granddaughter she wanted to come here tis a shame i came too late. i would have been able to protect them and kept them safe."Says azalea
“Man, I’m really sorry to hear about that. Seriously, you shouldn’t have to go through that, nobody should.” [i] Adevăr replies.[/i]
"It's part of the life i grew up in. It a cold fact that dragons and mermaids are more hunted a lot because they are valuable but even more so if there mixed too."says azalea [i]azalea had seen a lot of death and murder in her life. She had seen more than he could ever imagine. She sighed slightly staring at the fire for second before speaking for a bit.[/i]
“Yeah, back home, we had these brutal gladiator fights. It was a way to entertain, but was mainly a way for prisoners to win freedom. It’s disgusting to see what one man will do to kill another, the look on their face with the promise of freedom.”
"Definitely agree with you on that one. Mindless slaughter disgusts me. "Says azalea [i] she had seen enough of it in her lifetime .[/i]
"But, these guys are imprisoned for years, starved, and insane. They aren't able to volunteer to fight, so a chance at freedom pushes them to the extreme. I was lucky to be able to fight. The guards thought I was just going to die instantly, they didnt know about the mask." [i]He says.[/i]
"Oh i believe you but think of it this way you won't ever die by not returning to the ocean every seven days. I have seen a mer once being chained to a rock and left to die by a human before.'' Says azalea
“Really? They just, chain them to rocks like that? That’s cowardly, really. And just, sickening.”
"Yeah have seen it several times but each time it was unfortunate they died cause they could not get to water and its not a quick death but a slow painful one. Humans can be quite cruel."says azalea
“Yeah, humans are cruel to other creatures, but cruel to themselves, but I bet that’s evident with every creature. World is just a fight for survival.”
"Mhm definitely true and i have seen countless times."says azalea [i]she looked at him as she spoke to him.[/i]