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Edited by Forever277: 11/4/2017 9:03:49 PM
something is being done. their sales of D2 are down from D1 by what? 75%+? The sold 6 0r 7 million copies, which is nothing to sneeze at but it's nowhere close to the 25-30million copies of d1 let's see how many copies of the dlc sell next month. I bet it's nowhere near the 7 mil copies of Vanilla d2 Let that sales slide keep happening and major changes will be made in the management

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  • [i]Physical[/i] sales are down compared to D1, digital sales, however, were much stronger than D1. I’m not defending Bungie but calling for blood over them telling half the story while ignoring inconvenient facts in your own argument is pretty much the literal definition of hypocrisy...

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  • Edited by Forever277: 11/5/2017 11:14:46 PM
    so Destiny 2 sold more or close to the 25 million copies of Destiny 1? Care to cite that figure? I could care less about where the sales came from, or which is up or down. That's not relevant. total sales are relevant

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  • exactly and as far as I'm aware (though I admit I'm generally far to busy getting on with my life to check), the digital sales figures have not been released as yet beyond Activision stating that they're a lot higher than vanilla D1's were. as a result, the numbers you quoted [i]aren't[/i] "total". if they have released them and you [i]were[/i] quoting total figures across all delivery platforms then i apologise.

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  • This says that [u]they[/u] say that more than 50% of their sales were digital even being generous, (because 51% is [i]technically[/i] [i][u]More that 50%[/u][/i]) let's say it was 75% of their total sales, that would make it 9 million for a total of 15, that would still make it about 30-50% down from vanilla (depending on who you quote.) I don't believe for a second that they had 9 million digital sales I honestly don't know why I care lol I just don't care anymore how much they sold or didn't sell.

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  • I get where you're coming from dude, if your numbers are on point (and they seem a fair assumption to me) then it does mean that it's just [i]another[/i] lie they've thrown in people's faces so it's not unreasonable to be pissed about it. the issues with the game from a player's perspective are already well documented and mostly boil down to either Bungie misreading data or listening to the wrong part of their community. stupid school boy errors, yes but potentially fixable over time so that sort of stuff is something to take or leave. flat out lying to consumers/shareholders about stuff (no matter how irrelevant in the grander scheme of things it may or may not be), however, is just unethical business and frankly, utterly unnecessary.

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  • I don't think they're lying per sey, I think they are leaving a lot of room to manipulate the narrative. They won't release the numbers. I feel that if they sold 8 or 9 million via digital they would be swinging that number all over the place, every chance they had, like anyone with an 18" pants snake would Idk. I see what you're saying, it's fixable, not for me, but many of the problems can be fixed. I say not for me because I fundamentally hate the core of the game. I hate the new weapon system, I hate the toned down generic feeling, less powerful abilities, I hate the static rolls, I hate the basic class options. I hate it. it makes the game boring and basic and slow to me, aside from the setting and lore the game is nothing apecial, and the lore is barely in the game, [spoiler][b][i][u]STILL..... WHAT THE FCUK[/u][/i][/b][/spoiler] They took all the most fun parts of the game and ruined it imo. you don't feel powerful in this game, in PvE OR PvP. The PvP sucks not just because of the super slow movement and glacial TTK it sucks and is how it is because they took all the really close and really far weapons out of PvP essentially.....But those were also the most fun weapons to use in both PvE and PvP imo idk. I hate the game and stopped playing a long time ago, I stay around hop8ng they make major changes but I have no expectations at all that eno7gh will change to bring me back

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  • most of what you list there I either like or find people to be over exaggerating but a person's opinion is their own so totally get where you coming from there. with most of that stuff it's not gonna change either as it would require a rejig of the entire engine to resolve and that's not gonna happen. :(

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  • I really genuinely dislike the things I mentioned and haven't played in well over a month. They totally killed any enjoyment I got from their game

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  • i think i fall into the middle ground audience where i enjoy the game, just feel like there's not much game to enjoy... logged on last night as we'd been planning a raid and a few guys were later than expected and we pretty much had to force ourselves to run a NF to pass the time because it's like, all that effort (quite literally with this week's modifier) jumping through hoops for...? oh look... tokens... o_O

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  • It's not just that. I don't mind the tokens other than I'd like to be able to spend them on specific items.....but for what? a static rolled primary or second primary? for armor with no perks? It's not even the lack of stuff to do. there was very little to do during y1 Destiny, but I kept playing because it was fast and fun as hell and there was always new and interesting perk rolls on stuff that really made a difference on the weapons, interesting weapon perk/class ability combos to play with in PvE and PvP. it was a lot of fun, you felt powerful. Y2 you felt less powerful, y3 a little less again and now in d2 you feel neutered and have no interesting combos to explore. Everyone complained about shotguns in PvP, but when they buffed shotgun damage in PvE it was outrageous fun to just demolish stuff with a shotgun, add in an elemental burn and a secondary weapon buff and the brave could be gods in a nightfall or in POE. that magic is gone in this game imo

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  • whilst the loadout options won't change and most likely neither will the reward system, I think they'd make a [i]lot[/i] of people [i]much[/i] happier if they balanced the recharge rates about half way between D1's mental overkill and D2's boring snail's pace. it needed chilling out a little from D1 but not this much and if nothing else, would be a good sign that Bungie are actually listening rather than this "this is OUR game, not yours" bullshit that they seem to think is appropriate...

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  • Edited by TheShadow-cali: 11/4/2017 9:12:46 PM
    That's right, Activision was bragging about having 25million reqesters in D1 vanilla. Didn't Activision say they they past D1 vannila in sales with D2? if so, someone lied if they never reached that 25million.

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  • I wonder what the numbers will be for D3.. And that is if D3 sees the light of day...

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  • If this Hog Wash keeps up, really damn low that they will have to cut out adding content to the game.

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