And furthermore the thing we're even talking about is the mere fact NO ONE grouped up to do lost sectors together at all, even before the game. And they're taking away something solo players used to get the limited numbers of engram in a day since all they'll get is just duplicates, and no armor.
There's no point to it, so why take away an easy way to get it done if it doesn't matter?
You seem to be missing everything we say, so thanks for playing the beta and buying the season pass, you now have the right to white knight for no reward
Lmao. I played the beta from a friend's extra code and I definitely haven't bought a season pass or even just DLC 1, but kudos to you for being a presumptuous know-it-all who apparently has short term memory loss as I clearly stated that my husband and I do lost sectors together while participating in other world activities. Not everybody plays solo and only "teams up" when they have to. Some of us actually prefer playing with friends, but I suppose that's a concept that trolls like yourself aren't too familiar with. So, how about we just agree to disagree? You can stay in your gloomy, angry little world, and I'll try to stick to the middle ground of both reasonable complaints and rational understanding. :) Or, you can go on laughing at me. I'll laugh at me for providing you such lousy amusement. And then I'll laugh even more at you for even being entertained, and the Bungie forums will go on being as scummy as ever. Alas, I have more entertaining things to do like sleeping, so this is where my comments end, but please, feel free to continue talking to yourself if it makes you feel better. We all need to vent sometimes.