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11/4/2017 2:43:08 AM
I've always felt like Destiny should shift towards either a Diablo/Borderlands style that's free to play (after you buy it I mean) has no weekly lockouts, all content viable and just showers you with loot (which would justify the RNG) and have the Raids in the game as a means to challenge PvE players and offer unique drops you can only get there etc; Or go full on MMO, possibly with a monthly subscription (I know people would rage over this but running games like these is not cheap) which would justify the weekly lockouts on end game activities. But that would also mean having a persistent world with everyone in it at once, designated worlds etc. and best of all, real-time events and an in-game economy. One thing I've always wanted to see was the actual state of the Destiny world changing based on player participation, i.e. if the playerbase on a given world ignores a particular planet for too long, the aliens just take over and even just going there becomes a battle (literally, as in using our ships to battle through a blockade in outer space so we can land and go on some kind of massive-scale quest to retake the planet). I mean imagine it, tens if not hundreds of Guardians banding together to take back a planet overrun by the Cabal or the Vex. That'd be AWESOME! I just don't like that Destiny is some weird hybrid of the 2 models as it just doesn't work all that well. It could, potentially, but they seem reluctant to make the necessary changes.

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