I'm not usually very critical of Bungie, but this is a pathetic lie.
Just reading the update news and noticed this... [b] "We noticed that players felt Lost Sectors were useful, but disliked the fact that they couldn’t enjoy them with a fireteam, so we moved the faction tokens from the destructible items to the chest at the end of the activity. The destructibles will still be featured as a daily milestone and are still available to help your fireteam clear out the Lost Sector."
This is a sad ass lie period. They didn't like the fact that during the last faction rally, people simply destroyed the items for tokens and farmed to the max number of packages without having to mind numbingly complete the useless sectors every time.
If they wanna make this change to try and keep people playing longer, that's what should be said, not this sad ass lie about wanting to do sectors with a fireteam. Like whose ass did they even pull that out of. Not even a good lie for christs sake. smh. I'm sure I'm like many people who wont even bother to touch this faction crap after the first one anyway but damn Bungie, grow some -blam!-ing balls and tell the truth...
This, by now though most people can read between the lines and see when they spew BS. The leadership must have huge egos or the Activision handlers really have them on a leash.
I want to spend time in the world they create but so many of the choices they make just blow my mind. I was on D1 quite a lot chasing those perfect gear rolls and that's what drove me to play. D2 on the other hand? I hardly touch that game at all anymore.
Thankfully I have a lot of time on my hands to play (disabled) so I go through content like it's nothing. The game is so catered to casuals, it's pretty clear that the company just wants to make as much cash as possible. This is what they end up churning out when it's all about profit, a watered down product that looks and plays good but has no substance.
They are so cheeky with their responses and those of us that can tell will keep calling them out on it.
Do they have talented people? Of course they do, nobody's saying otherwise. It's just so obvious that the company is only after one thing... and if people say that that's what companies are supposed to do then those people are completely missing the point.
This hobby is quickly going down the drain little by little. Sure gaming is being profitable... but not for the right reasons. Nintendo is still hanging on to that old school feeling but we can all see beginning of the "Profit above all else" dance. I wonder how gaming will look like in another 10 years.
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