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11/3/2017 10:29:35 PM
I would just like to see huge intricate quests that lead to an ultimate gear reward. The lore would all tie together. I'm not talking about the little exotic quests we already do. More like, eh, a string of something like the adventures, but all with story and lore, and high level challenges. Akin to nightfall or raid difficulty. The leveling system just kills this game I think. I have no idea why we stuck with this "exp to 20 then is useless; light level from gear". Not to mention, leveling up is pretty useless as is. All this week I've been leveling up my Warlock a few hours a day. Every time I get a blue that's higher, I just equip it. In 5 minutes I'll have a higher one. Just dismantling gear left and right. Now she's almost max level and I'm not even done with the story. I mean, max level is the point, but, why? So you're high enough to do endgame I guess. But why? For the gear right? But why? To do better in the game. But why? Fxck man you're max level. Aint much gear to chase any more. I don't see the point of even leveling. The whole idea is to grow in strength and feel like you're getting more and more powerful. Damn, if I can just get to level 15 I can attempt that Ground Shaker quest for that Earthquake Rocket launcher. If I could just get a little higher level that quest might be easier. Damn just a little more experince and I can use the XYZ armor. That's supposed to be the fun of leveling up. But everything is so laughably fast. It may as well not be there. For a game that strives for longevity? There shouldn't have been a single fxcking streamer at max level in the first month. Or the first 3 months. It's too quick and too easy, and with too liitle that's still relevant in the endgame? No wonder people are bored already. Make them mother-blam!-ers work, quest after quest after story loaded quest until they actually... Shit. It's just a dream.

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