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11/3/2017 9:26:12 PM
I don't know. Compared to say, vanilla destiny 1? There is plenty to do. Lost sectors, adventures, quests for weapons, strikes, nightfalls, raid, and all manner of things. The open world is a bit improved and I like it. The common complaint is that the endgame is stale. There's plenty to do, but no reason to actually do it other than just because you feel like it. Thats mostly because the grind was significantly cut down. I've been working on getting my Warlock up to level, and I have had fun doing that because along the way, lost sectors and public events and adventures and all that are relevant. But she's almost max level and I've not even finished the story yet. The endgame used to give plenty to do when max level was reached, but its a bit easy to get everything. And the loot for raids and stuff isn't really worth the effort. There's very little payout in the form of loot. I will still raid because I like it, but in my opinion everything is just a little to damn easy now. Don't get me wrong. I still like it. But I never wanted crucible balance. I never wanted the grind to be easier. I never wanted the OP weapons to be equalized. I just wanted challenging content. Without a significant challenge, what is a game?

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