Really fishing with this one. I have no problems with this.
I for one shared that bit of feedback...
Regardless, removing a shortcut like that is a Good Thing.
So basically what you're saying is that you like pissing in people's Cheerios because you don't like how they choose to play? Got it.
Ha, well... if the alternative is to play the game in a cheap manner, and then complain about the game being cheap... then, yes, I suppose you could say that. I’ll take my Destiny as a shooter, not a racing dodgeball hybrid.
Its not for you or anyone else to dictate how other people play the game [i]they[/i] paid for. Tell you what, I'll come over to [i]your[/i] house and as soon as you turn on [i]your[/i] tv I will stand behind you and tell you that you can't watch what you want, we're watching what I want. Sounds ridiculous right?
It wasn’t detrimental to the game in any way. It was a benefit for the players who don’t have time to grind for hours but wanted the gear, or more to the point didn’t want to repeat the underwhelming lost sectors time and time again. It’s just their way of trying to keep the numbers playing up because their ain’t much actual content. I don’t usually mind grinding but only a couple of items are even worth the effort anyway.
[quote]It wasn’t detrimental to the game in any way. It was a benefit for the players who don’t have time to grind for hours but wanted the gear, or more to the point didn’t want to repeat the underwhelming lost sectors time and time again. It’s just their way of trying to keep the numbers playing up because their ain’t much actual content. I don’t usually mind grinding but only a couple of items are even worth the effort anyway.[/quote] I’d argue that Speed running these things is absolutely detrimental to both a) the replayability of the content and b) integrity of the leveling system. I’ll start with b) first. If you give people a shortcut to the end of something, they will take it. But speed runs aren’t the purpose here ( or should there anywhere else — don’t get me started on nightfalls, lol). [i]If you want the gear, you need to play, not run[/i]. Which leads to a) [i]What’s the point of saying there’s not much actual content if you bypass it? [/i] Bungie absolutely heard the complaints here, and they’re level-setting things to be better. We complained Lost Sectors were underwhelming - well now we have to, you know, [i]actually fight[/i].
So when people are asking for more, meaningful rewarding content . you support them making content we already have more time consuming and boring for the same rewards? Yes thats a recipe for success right there...duh
Not what I said at all. I said they’re improving what’s already there. Just as important - and more importantly, more easily achievable - than developing and rolling out net new content.
There’s isn’t a lost sector in the game that can’t be done solo without even bothering to aim. They are far too easy and give no decent rewards. Missed opportunity from bungie. I was hyped for them when I watched the reveal stream but now I don’t even bother with them. Once you get the emblem for each planet there is nothing to achieve from them except gunsmith tokens. Of course people will find and use ways to rank the factions quicker, motes of light, heavy ammo and other materials were the D1 version. At least factions were worth grinding though. Hung jury and any exotic class item are better than anything this game has to offer from factions.
Everything in the story/patrols/lost sectors is far too easy.