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11/3/2017 6:03:26 PM
Well, my theory or "idea" would involve an overhaul of everything, so bet it isn't gonna ever happen. Just saying that my ideal destiny experience is one that is hard as -blam!-, where you scrape together loot bit by bit, and the rarity actually means something. Then you use that weak ass gear to battle for your life in a damn near impossible quest to get the guaranteed chance of getting an OP truly epic exotic or legendary that will change your game dynamic. But that would require all the content in the game to be nearly raid difficulty, or like solo'ing a prestige activity. It'd be grindy. Quests would be long as hell. Full of story. Sure you could look up how to beat them from your favorite tuber. But there's really no way to get through it except "play better". Or "git gud" as the Souls fans always fall back to. See they can look up how to get past a particularly tricky boss, but it's never just cut and dry. It always relies on some form of player skill in the end. And then in the tower, when you see that guy who is wearing the "Snake Spit" exotic submachine gun that is so OP in elemental activities and a beast in PvP, you know he had to do that hard ass Pit of Vipers quest from Eris Morn to get it. But again. All this is just theoretical dreaming basically. We went too far down the participation trophy route, instead of the Souls' "fxck you, play better" route.

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  • You just asked for D1 before TTK. D1 Vanilla was exactly this almost. I miss it to be honest. Getting exotics was the best feeling and they were GOOD! Also you had to actually complete the hardest content to get it.

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  • I miss the feeling of D1 vanilla, but I'd not ask for it back in exactly its old form. The difficulty? Yeah. I want it all to be challenging again. I hated being a forever 29 but I Loved the pursuit. The challenge. It was just that the form the challenge came in was pretty ridiculous. RNG mostly. And there were too many things to actually hate about vanilla. Those hour long farming runs for planetary materials at the beginning of every game session for one. That's only one of many problems. I don't think Bungie knows how to make the game I envision. But I still have fun with what they've made. So. Meh.

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  • Yea I don't want it back exactly either but something between the 2. I want that chase for the best gear but having it completely RNG is shit. The token system modified to something like after so many runs and not getting that piece of gear you want you can use tokens dropped to you plus say legendary shards to purchase that specific piece of gear from a special "raid vendor" with large amounts of tokens and shards. But that vendor only had certain items once weekly. That is what the token system we asked for was supposed to be. Not this crap!.

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  • I would just like to see huge intricate quests that lead to an ultimate gear reward. The lore would all tie together. I'm not talking about the little exotic quests we already do. More like, eh, a string of something like the adventures, but all with story and lore, and high level challenges. Akin to nightfall or raid difficulty. The leveling system just kills this game I think. I have no idea why we stuck with this "exp to 20 then is useless; light level from gear". Not to mention, leveling up is pretty useless as is. All this week I've been leveling up my Warlock a few hours a day. Every time I get a blue that's higher, I just equip it. In 5 minutes I'll have a higher one. Just dismantling gear left and right. Now she's almost max level and I'm not even done with the story. I mean, max level is the point, but, why? So you're high enough to do endgame I guess. But why? For the gear right? But why? To do better in the game. But why? Fxck man you're max level. Aint much gear to chase any more. I don't see the point of even leveling. The whole idea is to grow in strength and feel like you're getting more and more powerful. Damn, if I can just get to level 15 I can attempt that Ground Shaker quest for that Earthquake Rocket launcher. If I could just get a little higher level that quest might be easier. Damn just a little more experince and I can use the XYZ armor. That's supposed to be the fun of leveling up. But everything is so laughably fast. It may as well not be there. For a game that strives for longevity? There shouldn't have been a single fxcking streamer at max level in the first month. Or the first 3 months. It's too quick and too easy, and with too liitle that's still relevant in the endgame? No wonder people are bored already. Make them mother-blam!-ers work, quest after quest after story loaded quest until they actually... Shit. It's just a dream.

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  • Couldn't agree more!!

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  • I like it. That way you pick and choose which OP gear you put all your effort into acquiring because it's just that hard. Which should also solve the everyone has the same gear issue.

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  • Yeah, that's about right. Like imagine if you had to choose on going on a lengthy week long witcher style quest to finally get a Black Hammer, or grinding out a super lengthy version of the "rebuild gjallarhorn" quest where you had to search all the planet's for these fallen scavenger bosses that are hard as hell to track a beat to get the Gally. I don't know that bungie knows how to do in-depth difficult quest style content driven by story though. If they did, we'd be playing it and not talking about it right now.

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  • Edited by soxfan143: 11/3/2017 9:53:32 PM
    I would LOVE that too! But that would drive all the little whiners away that don't have the time that us so called "no lifers" have! They want everything handed to them and god forbid they get smoked by that awesome weapon that we grinded 2 weeks for that is top tier weaponry in PvP. They would all be on here crying to ner.....oh wait...that already kind of happened with the Vex Mythoclast! LMFAO!!!

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  • Hahahaha yea we I wouldn't care about the forums if there was a 2 week questline for a blackhammer to be honest. I'd be drooling over my controller thinking of the prize at the end.

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