originally posted in:The New Dojo
[b]The Stranger....[/b]
[u]location: Hovark's grave
Time: noon[/u]
[i] The chill was definitely felt this cold autumn day as it seems someone is visiting the late Hovark Hayes gravesite. It definitely not one his kids as this woman that stood was much much older than his kids. The woman was wearing a dark grey cloak that had it's hood pulled up over her face concealing it. On her back was a knarled looking old staff that had runes etched along its ancient surface. The woman spoke softly to herself not knowing if anyone was around her as if she even cared about that anyway.[/i]
"Im surprised someone was able to bring you down old man but then again you were always fond of my daughter now weren't you. She ran away with you never to return. But just look at you now."she says
[i]the woman seems to have a grudge with the departed man for some unknown reason. But why really was unknown as she told there for a little bit longer.[/i]
[spoiler]open intro [/spoiler]
"I've got a relative." He gestured to the woman.
"Can't say that i know the woman but she does have striking resemblance to serenity i guess. But her lover took them somewhere safe exactly where i don't i just know he's a demon."says lizzie
"D'you know the general direction?"
"They went through a portal so they could be anywhere."she says
"Um.. what colour was the portal?/
"Black i think why?"she says
"Actually, forget it, it probably magic." Suddenly, a thought struck Cravis. [spoiler]who of the people with the dragons has Cravis met?[/spoiler]
"It looked like magic to me but i don't dabble in that stuff."she says [spoiler]human being character's mortar [/spoiler]
"Actually..." He turned to the side and tapped his ear, though you couldn't quite make out that part of his ear, the eye somehow slipping of it. "Yes. Good.... yes let's roll up to the shop in a f*cking gunship, what do you f*ing think?" He turned back to the woman with the sword. "Thanks" He turned to the older woman. "Okay, let's go." He headed off.
"Alright "she says [i]turning and following him as leaves.[/i]
"How are you dealing with surprises?"
"I can handle them just fine no matter how old i am. But why do you ask."she says
Suddenly there was a loud bang from next to them, and an open ramp and loading bar appeared out of thin air beside them. "Great to know."
"Yeah there's very little that surprises this old girl anymore. But what are we doing."says azalea
"There's a guy with them that's a good friend of my boss, and, like everyone he meets, he has a tracker on him." He walked in. A voice, Arabic, and with a hard synthetic edge, resounded from the cockpit. "do you want to fly?" "Okay, this is-" "I know exactly who this is, I'm the metaphorical 'guy In the chair'." "Okay, great." A strange man, encased in a grey armour that looked like the scales of a fish. The only feature of his helmet being a cyan tricorn that served as a visor. "Hello."
"Hi.."she says [i]she didn't really know who this man was so it was a little fair to say she was nervous to say the least. That was always do to the fact she had never been on vessel like this so she was nervous about that too. [/i] "My names azalea frost"she says
"And mine is remedanthetr, please, take a seat."
[i]she nods and takes a seat. She seems a little nervous on the ship seeing how she's never seen or been on one before. As she ain't human at all but a mermaid a very ancient one age wise.[/i]
"Don't worry, we'll be there in a moment." There was a jolt and a moment of noise and then all was silent again. "We're on our way."
"Oh okay."she says [i]she jumps a little bit when the ship lurches when takes off. She hopes no one seen her jump like though as it was kinda embarrassing.[/i]
"Do you have any sort of telepathic abilities or anything like that with your family?"
"I do not possess such abilities my magical abilities lie elsewhere i could track them if i knew what they looked like but i don't."says azalea
"Understandable. Do dragons have thermal vision?"
"Im not too sure they might. but im not a dragon my grandkids are though. They're part mermaid because their mother was a mermaidm."says azalea
"Ah. well, we'll find out soon enough."